Valentine's Day


New member
OK.......does anyone else think this is the most useless holiday ever created by our "consumer society"????? Unfortunately, God bless her, it's one of mudwoman's favorites!:shock: :redface: :redface: :redface: So, I'm sitting here on "Valentine's eve", trying to think of something to make her feel really, really good. I know my love is enough..........but it's not enough, if you know what I mean. I think the holiday was created just to make men feel like sh#t...........and, once again, it has worked!!! Anybody else have these issues, or is it just me?????

Yeah, I know what you mean. The wife says I don't have to get her anything. I done that once....but learned :D
I got my ex a card and a little teddy bear just cuz she doesn't have anyone for Valentines Day. Nothing romantic, just hoping to get her to smile. Cost me ten bucks, I don't really mind an excuse to try and make someones day though.
Well, romantic me bought her a lime tree. Now, I'm just trying to think of a great "e-card" (we're all about the "e" - she's sent me 2 already) to make her feel great tomorrow.
No, I LOVE Valentine's day. It's the one day a year my girlfriend gets me something and I don't have to do anything for her. I call it "Worship Ian Day". And she complies.

She then does my laundry and cooks me dinner, all whilst scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush. If she wishes to stop for a break, she bows her head and asks, "May I rest master"?

Don't tell her I said this... fact, is this searchable on google? I better delete it.

No, I LOVE Valentine's day. It's the one day a year my girlfriend gets me something and I don't have to do anything for her. I call it "Worship Ian Day". And she complies.

She then does my laundry and cooks me dinner, all whilst scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush. If she wishes to stop for a break, she bows her head and asks, "May I rest master"?

Don't tell her I said this... fact, is this searchable on google? I better delete it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like some testosterone speaking!!!!!

I think I'll tell...........what was her name, again???? :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple:
No, I LOVE Valentine's day. It's the one day a year my girlfriend gets me something and I don't have to do anything for her. I call it "Worship Ian Day". And she complies.

She then does my laundry and cooks me dinner, all whilst scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush. If she wishes to stop for a break, she bows her head and asks, "May I rest master"?

Is this before or after she fetches the paper and a beer for you?:lol:
Is this before or after she fetches the paper and a beer for you?:lol:
Oooooo...i'll have to use that one right now.

(snaps fingers then yells)
"Beer and paper baby! And then go make me a turkey pot pie!"

Just kidding D! (In case you googled this)

Oooooo...i'll have to use that one right now.

(snaps fingers then yells)
"Beer and paper baby! And then go make me a turkey pot pie!"

Just kidding D! (In case you googled this)

Hmmph, whenever I do this she gives me the finger and then mumbles something! What's your secret?

I got a message this morning saying thank you and that I made her day.

Good to hear, oh wise one!!!!! Mudwoman loved the lime tree and the ecard and she bought me a bottle of Appleton's Rum!! Life is good!!

I guess I shouldn't be so hard on Valentine's Day.:redface:
I guess in a couple years valentines day will mean more to me. No money spent though so that means more to put in the jeep!

Don't let him fool you. Mudman is my rock and my protector, but he's also a very romantic guy. I had a great Valentine's Day! Thanks, Mud!