Wanna Laugh??


New member

Darwin award candidate. :lol: :lol:
OutOfStep said:
He's got the wheel chocked, whats the problem?

Hahahaha. I didn't even notice that! It's a bit like wearing fire retardent fabric near an atom bomb isn't it? LOL

Sad thing is... THAT guy can vote. :roll:

:shock: I didn't even concider that the picture could have came from somewhere within this country. Though now that I think about it, I see people every day in 105 degree heat with a flat and convienantly 80 miles from anywhere and with no functioning jack. Most seem to think that a scavanged bit of wood and a rock is acceptable levering materials. Then they quickly discover that the spare is either A: flat or B: dry rotted to the point of exploding
weight of a 33 x 15.50 TSL for shipping

looks like a serious solid axle offroad machine he has there. What's he welding, The gas Tank ???

I'm speechless......folks like that are what kept me busy when I was a paramedic. Our favorite saying was, "If it weren't for stupid people, we'd be out of a job." Case in point.
I'd like to know how many people it took to lift it that high. That would have to be a lot of stupid people willing to help him with that.
We get to see a whole lot of those type of pictures in these Loss Prevention training classes we have to take at work. My favorite will always be the guy fixing a light fixure over a pool at some hotel. If you can visualize this...the pool is full of water, the ladder is in the middle of the pool, and then cord for the drill is running to an outlet right off the pool.

Paragon SOON . .. Real soon.

scary thing is, the 2x4's can take the load, that is if the bottom doesn't kick out....
mingez said:
Sad thing is... THAT guy can vote. :roll:

yeah, and he's a registered yellow dog Democrat!

JUST KIDDING! Couldn't resist that one :oops:

by the way/FYI: for those of you who may never had heard that phrase, a"yellow dog democrat" is someone who would rather vote for a yellow dog than a republican.
I'm saving that picture and the next time a co-worker or my boss says I've done something stupid, I'll show them that picture and say, "No, I don't think what I did was stupid."
I have heard about a better darwin award candidate.

A guy tied 100's of huge baloons to a lawn chair. He tied the lawn chair down until he had enough balloons to lift him and a 6 pack of beer off the ground. Once he had enough balloons to pick him off the ground, he cut the rope holding him down and grabbed his BB gun. Took off into the air and had the cops on him in minutes because apparently, he flew over LAX air space. :lol:

There was also a guy with the balloon trick that dropped the bb gun and climbed to 18,000 feet and almost died.