We might all be driving hummers this time next year...draft


New member

Holy smokes....I was just watching the news this morning and it may just be a rumor but supposedly there is serious talk of possibly reinstating the draft. That very well may be a possiblity if this escalades into a full blown war. What do you guys think about that? [addsig]


This rumor is started every time things escalate. Same as in the Gulf War of '90. I'll believe it when I see it.

Considering our past superiority in the Desert, I don't see it happening.[addsig]

If you wind up getting drafted go with the pride of the Thousands that have gone before! Sever with pride, fight like a dog, and keep your head down. All of my family have served wife included back in desert storm! I love America and will fight if I need to! Tug[addsig]

for all us 18 year olds, dingus, mike... hope ur ready. as for me, in all honesty, if it comes down to it, ill sign up before i get drafted. its better to go in and get sent to ots then get pulled half way through it and be pounding ground. plus, u get to pick who u serve w/. semper fi



o man.....

the dutch army doesn't drive hummers,they have mercedes gelandewagen.

can i join???nothing beats a jeep but a hummer is still better then a mercedes

am i in deep sh#t or what???[addsig]

I am in the army and let me say that those are only rumors at this point. It is a lot harder to reinstate the draft than most think. It would have to be ALL OUT WAR with us vs. EVERYONE to reinstate the draft...

Our military is incredibily superior to virutally everyone, so I wouldn't worry too much at this point. But if it does come to that some day- serve with pride and know that you are fighting for the best country in the world!!!!!!!!!

God Bless the USA!![addsig]

i have been back from a six month long deployment for 16 days and i am leaving my pregnant wife who is due 14 days after i leave on the 17th for at least 9 more months so i challenge all of you who are physically able to sign up and learn sacrifice and earn the pride of serving the greatest country on earth. semper fi.



<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>i have been back from a six month long deployment for 16 days and i am leaving my pregnant wife who is due 14 days after i leave on the 17th for at least 9 more months so i challenge all of you who are physically able to sign up and learn sacrifice and earn the pride of serving the greatest country on earth. semper fi.


god be with you, your wife, child and those you serve with..[addsig]


Well I can't say that I didn't try to join anyway. Last January I signed up for the Air Force. They tested me and all that and I was all good...anyway my ship date was 6 months later in June...I went back to the meps center for final testing and to be sworn in and was to get on the plane to head to basic that day. Anyway somehow when they weighed my they said I was 6lbs over their max limit...184lbs...I was 190 somehow on thier scale...I thought that was odd because I have never ever weighed that much on any scale....my recruiter even weighed me on his scale the day before I was to ship and he said I was fine....oh well anyway they said sorry and sent me back home. I can't say that I didn't try to serve my country...I guess my 98% ASVAB score wasn't good enough for them. Oh well...[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>

Our military is incredibily superior to virutally everyone, so I wouldn't worry too much at this point. But if it does come to that some day- serve with pride and know that you are fighting for the best country in the world!!!!!!!!!

God Bless the USA!!</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

2 words dude.....[i'm upset]..!!!!!

(edited by Terry)

FIRST OF ALL;the dutch army(and many others)fight the same fight!!!!!

SECOND;you really think youre so great?ever heard of nato/navo??

god bless the whole world!!!

we all want the same thing,freedom,justice and most of all...safety..

that not just the u.s. of america,that's the whole world..

i love america and my dream is to become a trucker out there some day,but on this side of the water(atlantic that is)most people think that america [stinks]...

(edited by Terry)

only because people like you...

first this was different

wanna know what i did the day after the twin towers???

together whit 96% of the dutch people we stopped all activities for 10 minutes!!

personally i parked my truck in the middle of the higway

but because of america's actions of the past few months people's idea's of the states changed....and that's a bad thing don't you agree????

man,i'm sorry but this really [upsets me]..

(edited by Terry)

think about stuff you say,bush doesn't always do so...

otherwise kids keep singing songs like''[darnit],this is my united states of whatever!!''

(edited by Terry)[addsig]

!!!!!!!!!!Please Read this again!!!!!!!!!

Reggie I agree stay strong! All Your wife and child needs to do is let some of us know what we can do and we will help in any way we can. I know I will and that goes for all the service men and women and thier faimly!

Darkwolf, I was really mad and I was hurt that you felt that the folks here was not thinking on a world level and you had the need to trash what was being said. I jumped the gun and went off! I have retracted you long winded hot headed statement!

We are all apart of this world but we have and never will be able to all get along and live in peace. It is not in the human nature to get along. Even on the or rather any play ground in the world were the smallest of children are playing there is going to be a fight.

I am glad your army is a part and I am sorry that I went off so bad! I am usualy bigger than that. I am a proud American, I would not trade my life in the USA for any life in any other place on earth. I will die if need be to protect our way of life. I am sure you most likely feel the same for you country.

Please understand that it was your tone and your sharp words that set me off. It will again if you ever feel the need to slam us or our men and women in uniform again!

Thanks again to all in uniform and thoes that wore the uniforms that defend our freedom and way of life. God speed to you all! Don't let the sharp words of so many outsiders get you down. Remember when their tails are on fire you will be the ones taht go and put em out and then like so many times in the past you will be Heros again in their eyes. God Bless America and The rest of the world, at least the part that are with us.

Again Darkwolf you made me mad I have slept sence then and I said harsh things, I hope you see my point as I have tried to see yours. God Bless You Darkwolf! and PS I voted for Al Gore! heheheheheh Tug[addsig]


Sorry, Dark, I felt compelled to reply...

Most people in the USA may not agree with our leaders all the time, but hey, that's what freedom is all about... But mostly, we all feel, regardless of our leadership, that we live in the greatest country in the world... It is patriotism, instilled in us when we are young... I am sure you feel the same way about your country...

I am also sure other people around the world get the impression that the USA is full of war mongering hordes of gun toting McDonald's addicts with fat a$$e$ and dysfunctional kids... But, I am afraid you are only getting the stories that $ell... For the most part, we love our families and friends, hatre hatred, and love freedom around the world...

Unfortunately, some people have short memories... Many have lost sight of what occurred on 9/11/2001, 12/9/1941 and 6/6/1944... The lessons learned on those days should not be forgotten by anyone... Let the lessons learned by our grandparents teach us that war is dirty business but until the entire world is free of tyranny and oppression it is a nessesary evil... I for one would hate to see a swastica flying above ANY capitol city in the world, yours or mine...

Of course, I am afraid of this threat looming in the mideast... My wife is serving in the United States Air Force... I worry for her and all her colleagues... But, it's part of their job, as it is their responsiblity to ensure half baked tinpot dictators are put in their place... You might think differently if those missiles filled with nerve gas and nuclear tipped warheads were pointed at your country... But they are not, they are a direct threat to my kids, my friends, and everyone else in the USA...[addsig]

it all boiles down to oil. we give them our good hard earn money $30 for a 55gal drum of oil. stuff that you cann"t do anything but burn. Now they have so much of our money, they build or buy bombs. what"s the old saying don"t bite the hand that feeds you!


can't we all get along?...ummmm....kinda what i put....but not really...haha

(edited by Terry)

lets take it easy ladies, this isnt a political board, its about JEEPS. lets just put aside the fact that some people are mentally and militarily inferior (darkwolf and the dutch) than others (the rest of us-proud american citizens)[addsig]