Willy Beamin
New member
A friend of mine bought a 88 cherokee for just over $200 he wheeled around with me for a week or so. Then he had some transmission isuses ie.hot as hell and smokein like crazy n couldnt make it home (he has 20 acers n we were in the back not so bad) I draged him as close as my 2.5 yj wit 33's could (started 2 over heat). it was about 1000 feet 2 his house droped him off n went home. about 20 minutes later he calls say the fire departments on there way n the jeep is screwed!! hes planing on buying a nother jeep but pay a lil more n get sumthin wit less then 350 000 on it LOL so should we keep ne parts ie. axle houseing, transfer case(just houseing for posible rebuild) stuff like that. I no anything we keep will need sum sorta rebuild.:???::lol::?:
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