What was the last thing you read?


New member
Well, I didn’t see any post about it so I figured I’d make my own for hopefully fellow bookworms to gather! So… Book, magazine, article, instructions of how to make ramen noodles, doesn't matter! Just post what the last thing you read was and a description if you think other users would be interested! I'll start:

The last thing I read was a fantasy novel called Drylor The First Artifact.

Description from amazon:

When a man wakes up inside a cage that is being carried through an underground city, he has no idea where he is or what has happened to him. As Von, a victim of amnesia, is taken to a jail cell to await his fate amongst elves, humans, dwarfs, gnomes, and halflings, he is told he is a member of the Royal Guard of Genisus. It is not long before he is transported to the palace where he meets an impatient king who eventually returns him to his jail cell while deciding his destiny. As Von's memory slowly returns, he discovers that he is the only one who can protect Drylor-a world that abandoned him-from its greatest evil, his own brother. Through his journey to the truth, Von meets an unlikely group of friends who are willing to sacrifice everything to help him stop his brother Scarlet from annihilating the only world they have ever known. As Von's past becomes clear and reveals his future, he soon realizes the only way he can end his brother's heartless massacres is to find him and kill him.

Everyday, i read engineering notes and bulletins. Schematic diagrams and recall release notes. It gets boring after awhile.

here's my recommended reading.. LOVE these books. totally re-readable:

Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz
Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard
Atlas Shrugged/ The fountainhead by Ayn Rand

All great books, and all horrible movies... minus the Odd Thomas series. Mind = blown with the Ayn Rand books. but seriously you guys, HIGHLY recommended if you can choke down 500+ page books.

Just completed Clive Cussler's Trojan odyssey
Busy with Michael Connelly. The Reversal
Always have a 4x4 mag in the "outhouse"
A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson...It's the story of Bryson hiking the Appalachian Trail with a buddy.Really funny

Currently reading Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy, pregnancy crap, and I keep picking up my jeep catalog.

Mine hasn't changed since earlier, rereading