"When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?"


Super Moderator
Now before anyone goes off half ****ed here, this is something we all need to read. And if this does not get your blood boiling, then I don't know what will. I actually had to debate within myself if I was going to put this up or not, considering the title.

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Leading Environmentalist Asks OHV Users: "When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?"

The concept of "social sustainability" is new to federal land planning regulations, but it is not new to the environmental groups. Social sustainability was first publicly articulated by George Wuerthner in his well publicized treatise "ORVs: No Right Way to Do the Wrong Thing."

A qoute form his speaking engagements:

To those who think we have to accept thrillcraft because they are "traditional" activities, I remind them that the same arguments were once made about segregation, beating up your wife, about smoking in public places, and many other behaviors and cultural "traditions" that were once commonplace. Society now views these things as wrong, and has outlawed them.

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It's a loaded question..

Your damn no matter how you answer.
No insinuates you engage in hazardous actions
Yes insinuates you used to engage in hazardous actions.

That said, George Wuerthner is about a nuts as they come. If you haven't i suggest reading Kurt Schneider's land use articles in CRAWL mag. Excellent balance between responsible access and land sustainability.
My club leaders had to go to city council to fight for permission to wheel on private property. We were having an event. Some of the neighbors were not happy. The club leaders were amazing at taking responsibility for the possible effects on the local properties. We even had a run off so we wouldn't get mud in the street on the way out. They presented a fierce presence and awesome argument in front of the council and we were given rights to wheel and hold the event.

My club leaders had to go to city council to fight for permission to wheel on private property. We were having an event. Some of the neighbors were not happy. The club leaders were amazing at taking responsibility for the possible effects on the local properties. We even had a run off so we wouldn't get mud in the street on the way out. They presented a fierce presence and awesome argument in front of the council and we were given rights to wheel and hold the event.
Kinda anal about things weren't they.