Who's Ready to take the Cotton Pickin' Top OFF?


New member
I'm tellin you one thing!!! I'm gettin' just plain SICK of this Cold weather!!! I'm ready to let my fat rear end sit in my Jeep w/ the top down and that Carbon Dioxide Smell goin through my nose!!! LOL!!!!

Golley!!! I'm lookin foward to that -^
couple more weeks, this year i will have somewhere inside to store my top, a big ol 2 car garage. it better than having it on my back deck all summer like last year.

Even with my transmission probs I took mine off and sat in the drive way for about two hours.
HAHAHAH! Your a true jeeper MerkL. Mine is coming off for our trip to Vegas, but then its back on for another month or so when we get back. :evil:

Gotta love livin in SoCal (right Sully), mine never, yes never goes on!! Only the bikini top and doors for the "winter" for "rain" protection.
The softie is going on next week, after I clean the soft top windows that is... I can't wait to go wheelin' with the top and doors off!
mine came off last week, was in the low 80's here in alabama, took it off again today, was around 70 when i left for work, froze my ass off on the way home ! lol
laneiac said:

I know what you mean!! I have had mine off this past week though, its been in the mid to high 60's, but looks like it might be much colder next week.

Laniac, has the weather been as nice in Corvalis as it has been here in Eugene the last week?

Mine comes off when I have time to get it off, I just hope it is not in july like last year!
Mine came off two weeks ago. Been to lazy to put the soft top on so I freeze my butt off. I do think the jeep is much happier though.

I just went home and took my top and doors off during lunch today. Supposed to rain on moday but I should have my new hardtop (freebie) on by then, but for now I am soakin it up while I can.
what happened, spark fuel i dunno

I took mine off last Friday, it was 75 degrees. Even got my drivers door off. Guess what??????????? True to my oh so lucky tradition, It poured rain all night Friday and there was three inches of rain in the JEEP saturday morning.

I can't win. lol Oh how fun that was, I had forgotten (NOT). It has rained practically every time my top was off since June when I bought the jeep. I figure I now live in a monsoon season year round. Last year we got like 20 inches more rain than previous years and I guess this year is going to be the same.

Oh well, I do love the top off though. But, it went back on that Saturday and has been freezing ever since. I'm hoping when I get back from vacation April 1st that it will be warm nuff to take it off for good but probably not. We'll see!

Sully-I'm jealous you know! I was born in Cali, I should be in Cali now! lol
