would you do this


Active member
Welcome a total stranger into your home and give them a place to sleep. I go to the park to hike and get my exercise,on the way there I have noticed this jeep wagoner in the same spot in a residential neighborhood with someone sleeping in the front seat. I feel that I should bang on his door and help him out with a place to stay, I have an extra bedroom that I'm not useing I know that I would be takeing a chance with my own welfare and property with someone I know nothing about. But it has been done for me when I first got here to virginia,and I feel that I need to pass on the same helping hand. to me it's a little scary, I'm probably going to bang on his door and chat with him a little and if I feel that he isn't a waco I'll try to help him out. What would you do?

Wow! That is from the heart.

You have expressed your concerns enough to know it has large risk. Perhaps helping in another way would be best. There are groups available in many communities to determine the need and offer aid in a safe yet comforting process. Just identifying the person and place along with your concerns would be a good start.
Nothing wrong with giving someone a helping hand. Just be careful. Get to know him/her before inviting them into your home. Then again, Maybe they want to sleep in the jeep. "It's a jeep thing"

I think helping out another man is great.
People often assume he's a bad person for sleeping in his truck.
Maybe he is or maybe he's just down on his luck.
After my divorce I slept in my truck for a week. I had places to go but just wanted to be alone.
Let us know how this works out, I think its great just be careful.

A noble plan. Just be careful. We wouldn't want any harm to come to a member of the family.

I am sure the only thing gennybro can hear now is "it puts the lotion on its skin"
Found out there is a program here that gives the homeless a place to sleep in the local churches as well as soup kitchens daily for them to get a meal. Havent seen the guy in the usual spot for the past couple of days. But I got all the information to furnish him when or if I see him. The temperature hasn't been that bad here the past couple of evenings,about 35. But if i see it's gonna get colder then that,I'll hike over and check on him. Calling the law is out of the question. If the person is haveing a tuff time. I'm not gonna take a chance on makeing him more miserable. I'll keep ya posted . Might go over in about an hour or so to see if he's around.
No, I would not do that. I would however pay for a couple of nights in a cheap motel for him, or just give him some cash.

I like helping people, but the chances of something really bad happening are too much in this case. I'm probably influenced because I've got a wife and 2 year old at home, but I wouldn't want someone that may be considered desperate sleeping in the room next to me.

i agree with terry, i would help but i wouldent want him in my house
Sorry. I was laughing at what Clyde the pirate said. That was funny. I think it's great what your trying to do.
Hiked over there and the wagoneer wasn't there,figured that it being a residentual neighborhood,and it being parked in front of the same house I decided to knock on the door and check out the situation. A young women answered, and I told her that at first I thought that it was probably some college student sleeping off a drunk,but I kept seeing them there sleeping in the jeep when I went by,and told her that if he needed help with a place to stay. I could help him out. Her reply was "no, he should be ok". So apparently she knows him. Just told her that I thought someone might need some help,I'd help out if I could,and left.

i agree with terry, i would help but i wouldent want him in my house
I agree with you and terry, I probably wouldn't be able to go to sleep,and it's not the smartest thing to do. I'll just pack along the info that I have ,and stick it under his wiper if I see him there again. Thanks guys.
Oh yeah 808,I'm a little touchy sometimes,all is cool.