XJ wont start in the cold!


New member
Hey all,

I al looking for any common XJ problems with cold weather starting. I went to start her up this morning and she will crank and stumble (almost start) but nothing...I just put a fresh battery in 2 days ago. Any ideas?

You gotta have fuel, compression and spark to start any gasoline engine whether its cold or not. If its turning over fast enough and has good spark and compression, it should start.
Did it just begin not starting when it got cold?
I've only had it a week, so I couldnt tell ya. It sounded to me like it had all 3 (fuel, spark and compression) because it would "almost" start. But anyway, as weird as it may be, it started like there was never anything wrong last night when I got home from work. It never got above 20 all day, so I have no idea what was up???

Randolph County? That's right up the road from where we went (GWNF) a while back I didn't know you were originally from West Virginia. How long ago was that?
Preston County, about 30 miles east of Morgantown. If you look at a map, I am right where, WV, PA and Maryland meet...
This may or may not be related, but I know that the late 80's to early 90's GM 4 and 6 cylinder fuel injected engines had problems with cold weather starting. Apparently, they didn't have a hot enough spark to fire much fuel at temps below 15 f, and if you even touched the gas pedal before you turned the key, the fuel injection would flood the cylinders with gas, the spark would not be hot enough to fire, and it would foul the plugs. Only way to fix'em was to pull the plugs, crank'em over a while to dry the cylinders, and put in new plugs, or just let them set a few days. I learned this while I worked at a repair shop in '89. That's the year we had 15 days in a row in December that the high temperature never got above zero degrees, and lows at night were in the -20's. I drove the tow truck, and spent 12 hours a day for 15 days straight towing GM's in to dry the cylinders. $50 for the tow, $150 for the labor, and $25 for parts.....we made a ton of money that December!!

Anywho, like I said, that may or may not have been what happened to you. Just rambling, ya know.:D
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Randolph County? That's right up the road from where we went (GWNF) a while back I didn't know you were originally from West Virginia. How long ago was that?

I left there in 1986 and went into the military.
I go back and see the folks every other year and they come here in between my visits.
check the cam posistion sensor its in the distributor under te rotor you should get check engin light and truble code.I had to replace mine on my 94 cherokee it hapened in the cold whether it would start then sometimes not start and sometimes start hard and run like crap.Its bin runing grate for last 2 years since I replased it.Hope tis helps