Xmas gift - Like a bad dream


New member
At work we drew names to exchange gifts. Everyone at work knows I like Jeeps and NASCAR (Tony Stewart) so I wasn't too concerned about what I would get. Oh boy, guess what I got? Wrong. I got a sweat shirt with a huge picture of an H2 on the back. It wasn't a gag gift. The person who got it for me actually thought it was a good idea. LOL

Oh yea, and above the pic is "STREET LETHAL" written in huge letters.

HAHA.... did you stand there with a fake smile and deliver a fake thanks to keep the jolly holiday spirit alive

X out the street leathal thing and either put a jeep crushing the H2 or a guy covering it with gasoline and setting it on fire. :twisted: Sully
Thats funny. At least it wasnt a toyota. Well its the thought that counts. Remember they actually thought you would like it.
Do "hood scoops" work?

My boss (a man) gave me (a 25 yr old guy) a glass angel candle holder. I appreciate the thought, but much like you, I am wondering what the thought was... This is getting re-gifted straight to my grandma!

lololol, tooooo funny, but i guess that what you get for being a Tony Stewart fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEI all the way !!! #8 lol im only teasing ya

At least the though was in the right place! could have been jelly of the month club!
Get one of those H2 rcovery stickers made bigger and iron it on over the H2 then get a big Jeep ironed on the front there you go from H2 lover back to H2 hater in just a few iron ons.

you should sport it on a trail and get it all muddy like. like ty it to something or at least it will keep you warm and you wont mind if it gets dirty. at least they tried. merry xmas!
The H2 sweatshirt sucks...but I think the candle holder is worse. Just be sure your holder doens't have your name or anything incribed on it before you re-gift it.

A few years back, I tried to re-gift an ornament during an office Christmas ornament/gift exchange. Because I had the ornament for a few years with it still it its original box, I forgot that it had my name and brief personal message inscribed on it. So when I gave it to my assigned giftee she thought it was really nice for all of about 10 seconds...until she noticed the inscription. Oooops. :oops:

Needless to say, I became the butt of jokes for the rest of the evening. I guess my ultimate gift was the gift of laughter since it was at my expense. Oh well...you can't beat the price. :?
