Recent content by JJs 88 Wrangler

  1. JJs 88 Wrangler

    88 Wrangler for sale

    Anyone looking for an 88 Wrangler? I'm looking to sell my Jeep. I live in northeast NJ. Engine only has about 15k on it.
  2. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Looking to sell my 88 Wrangler

    Anyone looking for an 88 Wrangler? I'm looking to sell my Jeep. I live in northeast NJ. Engine only has about 15k on it.
  3. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Anyone looking for an 88 Wrangler? I'm looking to sell my Jeep. I live in northeast NJ. Engine...

    Anyone looking for an 88 Wrangler? I'm looking to sell my Jeep. I live in northeast NJ. Engine only has about 15k on it.
  4. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Right rear wheel locks up when wet out and brakes are applied

    Hello All, For some reason my right rear wheel locks up when it is raining/snowing out when I apply the brakes. Brakes have been bled, pads are good and the wheel cylinder is fairly new. The adjuster is all the way in otherwise I cannot get the drum on. When it is dry out, the brakes work fine...
  5. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Steering Stabilizer Question

    Gotcha.. Thank You!! I'll give the shims a try then.
  6. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Steering Stabilizer Question

    No. I did not install any shims. So you dont think it is the steering stabilizer at all then?
  7. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Steering Stabilizer Question

    I had an alignment done after the lift. They told me to change the steering stabalizer which I replaced with a new stock one.
  8. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Steering Stabilizer Question

    Shackles, and I also installed a 2" track bar relocation kit.
  9. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Steering Stabilizer Question

    Hello, I recently lifted my Jeep 2 inches and put 31” tires on it. It tends to wonder a bit when driving. I changed the steering shaft, tie rod ends, and the steering box about 2 years ago. I also replaced the steering stabilizer with a stock one. Do you think this could be the issue, and if so...
  10. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Jeep TJ Rear Trackbar Bracket

    Looks like its missing the sleeve.
  11. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Jeep yj 4.2l wont idle and back firing.

    Its probably a Carter. Thats what is on my 88. I had mine rebuilt, and it runs great now.
  12. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Wiring diagram for oil pressure gauge to sending unit

    Thank You Very Much. I will take a look.
  13. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Wiring diagram for oil pressure gauge to sending unit

    Hello All. Does anyone have a wring diagram for the oil pressure gauge to the sending unit on an 88 Wrangler? I have cleaned the plastic wiring mat behind the cluster. All of the other gauges work fine, but the oil pressure. When I start the jeep the pressure goes from 0 to 80. When I rev the...
  14. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Oil pressure sending unit and switch question

    Thanks for the advice guys. I will let you know.
  15. JJs 88 Wrangler

    Oil pressure sending unit and switch question

    Thank You Jim. If the cluster ground is bad, wouldn’t that affect all the gauges? Also, what does the oil pressure switch do? I have both a sending unit and a switch. Thanks, JJ