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  1. Z

    Death Wobble

    Check out Got it bookmarked since it's my next project. Drove a 2 mile section of King's River Road (local with several potholes) today and had DW 4 times.:x At one point a police car tailed me but luckily didn't...
  2. Z

    DC Trip

    If you plan on seeing the monuments, and don't want to waste time driving/parking/walking between each of them, take one of the bike tours. In a half day, I saw Vietnam Wall memorial, Korean War memorial, WWII monument, Lincoln monument, Jefferson monument, FDR monument (most impressive, to...
  3. Z

    Beer the food of life?

    British sailors also used to be called "Limeys" because they ate limes to prevent scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). Lime-flavored beer, anyone? :lol:
  4. Z

    Your thoughts about some items

    Heh, that last line probably identifies me as one of the other yuppies at the beach. But only on weekdays ;)
  5. Z

    Your thoughts about some items

    I've got a '98 4banger with 33's, lifted, and I'll second that 5th gear is about useless if not re-geared. I only use fifth to hold the same speed on a flat South Carolina straight highway. I've pushed it up to 65 mph, but it's hard to go faster than that. Depends on which way the wind blows...
  6. Z

    You know your a 4x4 nut when...

    The real question of whether to keep her is whether the parts keep coming after the marriage ;) Let us know if some day it comes down to new tires or new necklace instead ;)
  7. Z

    Steering wheel airbag/horn connection

    Yeah, I've considered calling the local dealership and asking how much it's going to cost to have the airbag re-installed and stock horn hooked up at the same time. Had hoped I could just poke around, find the connector and plug the horn in (wasn't planning on doing the airbag myself). But...
  8. Z

    Steering wheel airbag/horn connection

    Bought a used 98 TJ, and have been trying to figure out why the horn's not blowing. Have tested the stock horns by patching to positive and ground, and they work. Looking back to the steering wheel, the previous owner disconnected the airbag and horn setup at the wheel. Looks like there's a...
  9. IMG_0474


  10. zafirex

