Beer the food of life?


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A little food for thought here gents....

The last word
21 August 2004 news service


Life in a glass
How long can a human being live for if their sole source of food or drink is beer? And do different beers - ale, lager, stout, mild - confer a better chance of survival?

Beer has had a reputation since antiquity as being a staple in the diet, often called "liquid bread". In ancient Egypt, workers received beer as part of their salary, as did the ladies-in-waiting of Queen Elizabeth I of England. In 1492, one gallon of beer per day was the standard allocation for sailors in the navy of Henry VII.

This high reputation for beer came about because it was made from malted barley, which is rich in vitamins. This is still true today. A quick check using nutritional tables shows that a pint can provide more than 5 per cent of the daily recommended intake of several vitamins, such as B9, B6 and B2, although other vitamins such as A, C and D are lacking.

It is of course unethical to conduct an experiment to see whether one can live on beer alone. However, during the Seven Years War of 1756-63, John Clephane, physician to the English fleet, conducted a clinical trial. Three ships were sent from England to America. One - the Grampus - was supplied with plenty of beer, while the two control ships - the Daedalus and the Tortoise - had only the common allowance of spirits. After an unusually long voyage due to bad weather, Clephane reported that the Daedalus and Tortoise had 112 and 62 men respectively requiring hospitalisation. The Grampus, on the other hand, had only 13, arguably a clear-cut result.

Needless to say, the sailors' allowance of eight pints of beer per day is no longer within the accepted confines of current moderate alcohol consumption. One can only speculate on the state of their livers. Living on beer alone may be a fantasy for some, but it is not a good health strategy.

C. Walker
Brewing Research International

Somewhat off subject (it is about beer tho) I heard tonite from a friend that Coors is anti-hunting? Anybody know if this is true? I guess I'll have to find a new beer if they are :(
Somewhat off subject (it is about beer tho) I heard tonite from a friend that Coors is anti-hunting? Anybody know if this is true? I guess I'll have to find a new beer if they are :(

They had 16oz camoflauge cans out a month or two ago... That would be very very odd if they were.

Like I said, it was just something I heard from a friend and he wasnt sure, so I thought I would see if anyone else had heard anything.
Guinness!!! YAY
Wait, I've only had 2 beers in my life so yea, guinness!!!

Liquer is my choice of sleepiness, hopefully one day I can have ale!

Mmmm Beer, the CAUSE and SOLUTION to all of life's little problems.
British sailors also used to be called "Limeys" because they ate limes to prevent scurvy (vitamin C deficiency).

Lime-flavored beer, anyone? :lol:
To the ancient Sumarians, beer was the essence of civilization, the difference between man and beast.

One story goes that men were originally sleazy beasts that stole milk from other animals. One challenged the god Gilgamesh, and he sent one of his wives to seduce the man to learn his secrets. She found him so disgusting that she gave him beer and butter first, after which he bathed and became human..

So that's all it takes to become human? I wish I'd have known earlier...
