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  1. graewulf

    Air conditioning woes

    OK... looks lkike I was wrong. it is R-134a... how touigh would ti be to just top it off? I'm looking at like $200 to have a shop fix it, provided there are no major leaks (I dont think there are any big leaks). I know if it leaked once it will again. I'm bringing it in on thurdsay for a...
  2. graewulf

    My turn, "Help my Jeep won't start"

    check the coil, cap, rotor, wires...... have y9ou actually pulled a plug and verified no spark?
  3. graewulf

    Air conditioning woes

    Thanks for the info. Sounds like more than I can handle on my own. It might just be easier to pay someone to do it. I have seen kits on JC Whitney that say they contain everything needed but mention nothing about a vacuum pump...
  4. graewulf

    Air conditioning woes

    New Wrangler OK, here's my dilemma... the air is not working like it should - probably leaked out over the winter. Now I know it can be recharged but it is the older R-12 which means it needs to be retrofitted for R-134a. I can buy the kit for like $40 to do it myself. Has anyone done this? any...
  5. graewulf

    Jeep wave vs Motorcycle wave

    I think you hit it right on the head there... I hear that attitude from many jeepers, that and they don't think the cherokee/liberty lines are real jeeps or consider them "soccer mom" vehicles so why bother. If its a Jeep, you should wave regardless, then it will catch on instead of waning like...
  6. graewulf

    Jeep wave vs Motorcycle wave

    RE: On the road again... (big pics) I have made an interesting observation in the last 2 days... I have had my ZJ for over 18 months now, I think I have been waved at maybe 2 times.... I have had my motorcycle 2 days and have been waved at over 30 times! what gives? Jeepers are supposed to be...
  7. graewulf

    On the road again... (big pics)

    RE: Re: RE: OT: my new baby.... Wow... nice!
  8. graewulf

    OT: my new baby....

    I figure if I take it to work (only a 5 mile commute) I can save about $25 a month in gas (minimum) - that's half the payment! Not to mention the sheer thrill of riding it...
  9. graewulf

    OT: my new baby....

    Oh, it is... It rides like a dream too. I'm trying to take it easy (break in period) but this baby has a whole lot more power than I'm using right now. And at 45MPG I am not complaining! I ran 67 miles on 1.5 gallons.. it holds 4.
  10. graewulf

    OT: my new baby....

    2005 Vulcan 500cc... It now has a whopping 60 miles on it and I love it! I just bought it yesterday and thought I'd share...
  11. graewulf

    A/C - Overheating woes...

    RE: Stock TJ height differences?? could be as simple as a stuck t-stat too...
  12. graewulf

    Stock TJ height differences??

    Body work questions weight will make a difference... does one have more gear in it than the other one?
  13. graewulf

    Should be brought to attention to all....

    Now that I just puked up my breakfast.... this twerp needs a good beating!
  14. graewulf

    Nightmare Soccer Mom!

  15. graewulf

    XJ AC

    hmm interesting.. I have the same issue.. i checked this morning and i have condesation pouring off the line into the firewall and the return line is room temp. The evap canister wasnt cool but the line was ice cold.
  16. graewulf

    Nightmare Soccer Mom!

    way to go.. I'd pull her over if it is a valid offense.. just gives you more to throw at her in court. Its a good thing stupidity isnt contagious
  17. graewulf

    I wish I was this cop!

    how stupid can you be/?
  18. graewulf

    Hot weather -> Air conditioning woes

    RE: New Tires Another possibility is it is in the passenger side frame rail (it is on my 95 ZJ). You have to cut a small hole in the frame to get to it.
  19. graewulf

    high beams work, low beams won't... what gives???

    Did you use a volt meter? test lights are not the best way to troubleshoot this. use an ohm meter. that will tell you if it is a true ground or if you are grounding through another bulb or such.
  20. graewulf

    high beams work, low beams won't... what gives???

    RE: high beams work, low beams won I dont have the schematic handy, but some systems have a common hot wire (always hot) and the ground is the switched leg. Check the other 2 wires for ground/no ground as you operate the light switch. If it isn't a switched ground, then you have a...