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  1. lethaldose

    New ShoEs for the jeeP !

    ohh yeah i skipped on the center caps cause 14 bucks each for stamped steel cap is just crazy haha IMO
  2. lethaldose

    New ShoEs for the jeeP !

    had these for a week now along with the body lift but never have posted up a thread .. i was in the market for 32" mastercraft courser MT's but they were all special order for 2 weeks ... so i went shopping for 31's which most people had in stock ... with a little research i found out that...
  3. lethaldose

    My Nickle on Skyjacker Tcase Bracket

    its all in the aerodynamics and functionality of the round vs square LoL ... that almost sounded like it means something
  4. lethaldose

    Rules are rules......or maybe not

    man i could write a 20 min ***** about that but i'll just leave it to what it is :shock:
  5. lethaldose

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    i fondled an ugly fat chick one time at a party when nobody was looking
  6. lethaldose

    Anyone ever had this error?????

    BSD usually means you'll have to reformat ... i used to have the same prob with mine when the power would go out .. but if you keep a regular scandisk schedule you should be ok thats whats helped mine out .... i'd pop the HD's out and back everything up on a diff comp or a friends comp then...
  7. lethaldose

    My Nickle on Skyjacker Tcase Bracket

    LOL cant we all just get along hahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. lethaldose

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    dinner time !! :D
  9. lethaldose

    Rules are rules......or maybe not

    LOL YEAH REALLY .... i think they should have stuck to their guns i mean damn its america people !
  10. lethaldose

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    ahh mayberry RFD.... where your brothers your sister and your uncles your daddy
  11. lethaldose

    My Nickle on Skyjacker Tcase Bracket

    lol i like the TJ dash even if ya think it looks like over made up jail bait hahah and a big fan of the coils ... i just cant get over the square headlights on a yj my only real quirk haha
  12. lethaldose

    Question about gearing?

    heres couple of sites that give pretty good basic overviews of a replacement
  13. lethaldose

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    i'm nuts over midgets !
  14. lethaldose

    Question about gearing?

    if you have 3.07 gears you'll need to bump up to a set of carriers that accept 3.73 and numerically higher ratios to fit in the 4.56's ... as far as tools nothing to special a press to press on the bearings is handy
  15. lethaldose

    New skid plate

    very slick !!! 8)
  16. lethaldose

    My Nickle on Skyjacker Tcase Bracket

    really .. what the hell did they mess it up for the tj for LOL its really simple actually eliminates some hardware ... damn number crunchers
  17. lethaldose

    JEEPZ.COM Finally has recognition!

    awesome even though the mag kinda went to hell a lil bit that still beats the fur off a llama !! wooT
  18. lethaldose

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    testes.... one ..... two ..... threeee ?
  19. lethaldose

    Surgery Round 2!

    damn man sorry to hear i've got some shabby knees to not that bad but its a kick in the taint when they act up .. wish you the best when you go under !!