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  1. K

    What happened to Gadget?

    Well Inspector... If I had your icon I would give you a 1 gadget rating for leaving but a 5 gadget rating for the stir you have caused.
  2. K

    Getting to know your peers

    1. BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE WHERE WOULD IT BE? Cazumel Mexico 2. FAV ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? 2xist square tank. 3. FAV PHYSICAL FEATURE OF OPPOSITE SEX? Smiles....they make or break a woman 4. LAST CD PURCHASED? Been downloading for years the last one I purchased was by Garth Brooks 5...
  3. K

    Kletus needs a gun.

    Bounty and Utah thanks a ton for the info on rifle rounds and guns. I think I will go with a .223 seeing as how I wont be the only one shooting it. Thanks again for the info
  4. K

    Kletus needs a gun.

    Bolt action because I shot one two weeks ago and liked it. Mainly because each bullet is accounted for. I think this is great for when teaching kids, wives, etc about gun safety. Plus bolt-action a little bit for the nostalgic part of shooting. I may do what Bounty is doing. Get one gun that...
  5. K

    Kletus needs a gun.

    31 inch tires on factory rear tire mount Six shell really isnt the important thing just a nice magazine is for shell size I really have no idea. All I have ever owned is shotguns and it would just be nice to hit something* at a farther distance than 25feet *(varmet size on up to car...
  6. K

    Kletus needs a gun.

    Well I think it is time for another gun in the house, as if my small arsenal wasn't enough :lol: , I want a bolt action rifle with at least a 6 shell magazine. Anybody have any suggestions? 8)
  7. K

    more funny

    ROFLMAO 8) And I hate NASCAR cause I am from Oklahoma. Sorta reminds me of Roy 'D' Mercer...
  8. K


    *Yawn* Find a good blade for your hack saw. 8)
  9. K

    Anybody used Pace Setter Headers?

    do you remember what model number of pacesetter you had? do you have a 258 intake?
  10. K

    Anybody used Pace Setter Headers?

    Has anyone used, heard, or seen Pace Setter headers? Do they last? They just seem so cheap...
  11. K

    Call All 258's..

    Ok.... Need a few people to ring in on this one for me.... working with a 258 2bbl intake manifold.. I need to know what exhaust manifold you are running... Problem I have is with the 258 intake being too short, or the exhaust being too long because it hits in the center. I also need to have...
  12. K

    Intake/Exhaust Manifolds on a 4.0!!!

    Well I need an intake manifold that will accept a 2bbl carb. I didn't think there was a 4.0 that ever had a carb on it.... am I wrong on that?
  13. K

    Intake/Exhaust Manifolds on a 4.0!!!

    :evil: OK I have that 2002 4.0L 6I that I put a 258 Intake on and it works great but I have used 3 different exhaust and none of them are working. 1) First exhaust was the dual headers from the original 2002 engine. Intake would not bolt in because it hit the exhaust in the middle of intake...
  14. K online blast!!!!!!!

    *YAWN* .... did I miss all the action? :lol:
  15. K

    Mini jeep

    :shock: Hello Miss Purple! :shock: My name is Kletus I am 24 years old and will you marry me? :lol: I dont know what is sexier you, the Jeep, or you on the Jeep....Mighty fine picture.... just remember I am just a small drive down in NC if you ever need a Jeep fix or get lonely :lol:
  16. K

    Teach Them YOUNG!

    Im 24 and have two kids and have had them both for almost 2 years now. :lol: I think my return/exhcange warranty is up so I think I am stuck with them. :lol:
  17. K

    Suggestions Anybody?

    Ok here is the story...the 2002 TJ 4.0L exhaust was too large for the 258 intake manifold to even get close to the head so I pulled the 2002 Exhaust manifold and replaced the dual headers with a 90-95 4.0 exhaust manifold that bolted up just fine but now that we have done that the intake...
  18. K

    Teach Them YOUNG!

    Well I was working on the Jeep this evening, again as usual since september, and my little girl came out and she climed up in it. (How I am not sure cause I have 31's and about 4 inches of lift and she isn't but 3 foot nothing.) So she starts "driving" and I have to put the hood down and get in...
  19. K

    Teach Them YOUNG!

    :D My Jeep has been under construction since September and we haven't been able to ride/drive in it because of the swap but my little girl said to me today "I want ride Daddy's Jeep again?" and I said "Well once Dad fixes it then we will go for a ride" and she said "No top daddy...member no...
  20. K

    Bang it 4 Times 4 me

    I guess I would take it...even though it is still just a 4 banger