What happened to Gadget?

The last thread I saw him on was about installing a Motorcraft carb on his Jeep. I responded to his post and said that he sould read up on installing a do-it-yourself fuel injection kit. I never noticed a response.
I hope AL-Queda didn't kidnap him for his valuable knowledge.
He was a wealth of knowledge and always added a different perspective that was very helpful.

I didn't see anything that appeared the least bit confrontational or cause to leave. I hope he's still around or pops back in.

I had to bump this to the top. I'm hoping Gadget will come back through and maybe tell us why he left. :(
WOW!! I didn't even notice..Gadget and I have talked many a nights...i'm sad that i cannot talk to him anymore about his green cj..i'm sad.

TommyJeep is still around and kicking, just not here on jeepz.com.He hangs around at jeepaholic jeepforum and myjeeprocks.com.
Gadget I hope you are at least popping in here to read what's going on, if you are then please know that this is a much better forum with you in it and you will be sorely missed if you don't come back.

Radio morningshow

Nevermind, I see there is no email in his profile. Must have deleted it if it was ever there. The mystery continues......
I say Gadget got called on a Super Secret but Vewwwy Important Sluething Case out of the country. He got on his go go gadget watch and zoomed over there (wherever there is) and is working on things now. Who knows what he's got up his sleeve. Stay tuned at 8 am Saturday to see what Go Go Gadget comes up with! :shock:
Go, Go, Gadget.......Please come back :cry: I cant imagine why he would want to leave.
And by the way Laura?
WOW!! I didn't even notice..Gadget and I have talked many a nights...i'm sad that i cannot talk to him anymore about his green cj..i'm sad.

come on, look at it thru tho's girl eyes its clearly purple!!!!!!! :lol:

:lol: Purply, it looked purple to me. And although I didn't type it, I miss Gadget too. I always feel its a shame when people don't realize how much they impact others.

Well Inspector... If I had your icon I would give you a 1 gadget rating for leaving but a 5 gadget rating for the stir you have caused.
KletusJeeps said:
Well Inspector... If I had your icon I would give you a 1 gadget rating for leaving but a 5 gadget rating for the stir you have caused.

ya, he sure has been getting a lot of attention not being here. It sure isn't the same without him.

Gadget, if your still around, can't you at least sign in for a little bit and tell us what's going on? We all miss you a lot and will understand whatever is going on.