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  1. mudwoman

    Mothers Day

    RE: Re: RE: What should I pay for this jeep??? That is wonderful- I can't think of a better present- you are a very thoughtful and loving husband/father.
  2. mudwoman

    Where is everyone from?

    and then there's Appalachia, where we live- everyone thinks we're barefoot, pregnant, and our houses came in on wheels (that part could be true!). We also have some of the most awesome trails (Tellico) and some of the oldest mountains in the world (Blue Ridge) and some the best neighbors you ask...
  3. mudwoman

    Misconceptions you had as a kid

    Mud, life is more than's awesome.
  4. mudwoman

    Officially back to work!!!

    ........or a lab coat and gloves- that makes people wonder...............
  5. mudwoman


    Since I have all boys, I thought I'd better jump into this. My kids names are Andy, Ben and Nathan- and my grandsons names are Caleb, Nathan, and Brody. Noah is a good name. Course, where we live you can name him anything you want- he's gonna be called Bubba.
  6. mudwoman

    If you promise not to tell....

    RE: Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks... Boys- I can't believe you are exchanging recipes.....go play outside! :D :D :D
  7. mudwoman

    HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks...

    Re: RE: HELP!!! Need opinions from all Jeepz folks... It's been my experience that the new won't come into your life until you let go of the old. Once you sell the Jeep that is causing you stress, there will be room for the Jeep of your dreams. And how great to be the one who provides someones...
  8. mudwoman

    Help my buddy win the Miss USA pageant!

    I beg your pardon.......our state is skankless!
  9. mudwoman

    Side visors for YJ?

    Having tried that several times without the desired response, let me suggest a two by four- could work! :shock: :D :shock:
  10. mudwoman

    I can't figure this one out.........

    and just before I put my soap box back in the closet where it belongs........I think Sparky's comments about performing CPR on the old ones were right on. Watching those EMT's perform CPR on those frail old bodies, bones breaking with every thrust is terrible to watch- I can't even imagine...
  11. mudwoman

    I can't figure this one out.........

    One thing is for sure, both sides are coming from a good place: Compassion. We are passionate about this topic because we care. I have no doubt that those who disagree with me do so out of concern for a fellow human being. And a more nobel stance I couldn't imagine. _________________ well...
  12. mudwoman

    Career Change 2: Radiologic Technology

    RE: Who You'll do great! They used to just look at all the science guys but in the past few years they have finally figured out that medicine is about people so now they are looking more closely at temperment and personality. Here's what I tell the therapists who work for me- You have to strive...
  13. mudwoman

    Active Members, Make Yourselves Heard!

    Mudwoman's here!
  14. mudwoman

    This is where I got hooked...

    I can vaguely pull this out of the old memory banks- but I gotta tell ya- calling a woman "old timer" can be dangerous. I don't remember any contest in which you could win a Willys- think they would start that one again?
  15. mudwoman

    I need your Prayers

    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Help i might be losing my jeep.. Sparky- Mudman and I are both thrilled that you have been offered this wonderful opportunity. Sometimes it's so hard to keep the faith going- but the pay off is always great. Congratulations- and a big hug to Sunshine.
  16. mudwoman

    My Jeeps Gone!

    CJ-7 I don't think it's especially a wife thing.......I drive a '94 YJ and Mudman drives an 03 TJ. I really do like mine much better (sorry honey) and have been just remotely considering trading "up" for a CJ7- probably won't though- Little Red and I have been through a lot together. Mudman...
  17. mudwoman

    Is this the new Wrangler?

    Mudman could convert them to cubits- he's quite good at that.
  18. mudwoman

    That's my boy...(updated)

    that last post was actually me- mudwoman- I wasn't paying attention. How is it that Mudman was logged in and him being gone the past two days??? Someone had a little "free" time at work!!
  19. mudwoman

    The death of Hunter S. Thompson

    Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: The death of Hunter S. Thompson I think anything life threatening- suicide, doctor assisted suicide, abortion, capital punishment- tends to evoke very personal responses- and if one has experienced it in their immediate circle, even more so. I have sat with, cried with, and...
  20. mudwoman

    I need your Prayers

    Sparky- Mudman and I are both right there with you- we have both been through tough times and have weathered those storms as stronger people. Two things come to mind. I work at a nursing home and my patients have lost everything- husbands, wives, homes, health, independance- everything- yet they...