Misconceptions you had as a kid


Active member
Well not the best topic I've ever had but I'm sure it'll get a few weird responses. Mine were

1: the "underground railroad" was the subway

2: when you flushed the toilet in an airplane it came out the bottom.

that and what ever my parents didn't let me have must have been fun or good for me in some way :D

Re: RE: Good Laugh!

How 'bout pregnant women ate watermelon seeds? Bugged my sister for a LONG time! :lol:

My basic misconception was that life was fair!?! :shock:

I need a wrangler real bad,anyone close to dalton ga

$100 is a lot of money

Beer grew hair on your tongue (I got that one a little mixed up and wondered why people used to laugh when I said it)
Mud, you've got a second for the misconception that life is fair...

On that topic, there's the old misconception that good things always happen to good people... Yeah...

More positively...

I thought that Xerox machines actually produced paper... In the late '80s, my elementary school was going through a massive budget crunch, and we were short on paper... I could not, for the life of me, figure out why they couldn't just copy a blank sheet!

I thought that the sun disappeared into a big hole in the woods right behind my house, back then, the trees were thinner, and you could see it rising on the horizon, big and orange... One day, I was going to walk out there and find the hole where the sun came up from every morning...
I thought the scrubbing bubbles would actually come out and clean the tub!! I talked my mom in to getting a can...you'd have never seen a kid so anxious to get home to clean the tub until then.

Boy was I disappointed. I sprayed then watched and waited...and waited........and waited. I was stood up by the scrubbing bubbles. :evil:

I don't think I ever got over that...damn bubbles.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: for

That once you hit 20...errr...30...err..40, life would end.
You could get warts from touching frogs. The amphibians not the French.

That you could catch a cold, from being in the cold. Many STILL believe this.

That by age 27, I'd know what I want to do with my life.

Wearing hats made you go bald.

Women were sane, rational creatures. JK, some of them are.... SOME.

My greatest Misconception didn't come till I was about 16 yrs old...

Owning a jeep would get me laid!

Go figure, I was wrong!
-that my mom was always drinking coffee (it was really diet coke, or diet coke and rum, but if it was in a coffee cup we wouldnt want to pick it up and drink it)
-everyone always got summer vacation
-people only did the deed to make babies (now i learn that babies are just accidents from fun)
If I ate all my carrots, I would be able to see in the dark.

LIE!!!!! I ate so many carrots that my eyes went yellow ... people thought I had hepatitis! I could not see in the dark.

I should eat the liver on my dinner plate because there were millions of starving Chinese (replace "Chinese" with nationality of choice) kids who would kill for my food.

LIE!!! No self-respecting Chinese kid (replace "Chinese" with nationality of choice) would eat the liver that my Mother prepared. Crikey! -- even our dog wouldn't eat that liver!!!

If I ate all my beets, peas, lima beans, spinach, bullhead, pickled pig feet, yada-yada, I would grow up to be big and strong.

LIE!!! I grew up to be a shrimp who cannot see in the dark -- despite eating humongous quantities of liver, carrots, beets, peas, lima beans, spinach, bullhead, pickled pig feet, yada-yada.

If you were to so much as touch a railroad track when an oncoming train was within two miles...you would somehow become frozen to the track and subsequently mangled, shredded or otherwise killed by that train.

LIE!!! I and all the other lied-to kids (parents of that era coordinated their lies) had great fun putting pennies on every railroad track in sight whenever we heard a train coming.

Then there was that story about ... Santa Claus.


The Easter Bunny.


The Tooth Fairy.




Disbelieves anything parents say, Gadget

Mingez, I use to think the same thing about being in the cold/rain and how you would get sick. I used to love playing outside, but always thought I would get sick. So I would go out and play for long periods of time...figuring if I was going to get sick anyways, I might as well stay out as long as I could. Boy was I wrong though (It's actually from staying inside more often when it is cold out).

And, I thought that beer was gross and couldn't understand why anyone would drink it....I was wrong there too
RE: another newbie (lots of us lately!)

i thought everyone had dishwashers, that every home every where had one... oh how i miss my dishwasher
Re: RE: oil drain plug

antsinmypants said:
i thought everyone had dishwashers, that every home every where had one... oh how i miss my dishwasher

My home has a dishwasher...I call her "Sunshine"....... :shock:

front end vibration

Sparky-Watts said:
antsinmypants said:
i thought everyone had dishwashers, that every home every where had one... oh how i miss my dishwasher

My home has a dishwasher...I call her "Sunshine"....... :shock:

OOOOOO, it's a good thing she's not a member on this forum. There'd be one less Sparky in the world.
When I was 5 yrs old I ate a bunch of "starlite" mints from a candy dish. Next morning I had chicken pox. I was convinced the mints caused it and I didn't have another one until I was about 13 yrs old, and to be quite honest I was leary even then.

Inspector-Gadget said:
Then there was that story about ... Santa Claus.

RE: Re: RE: oil drain plug

I thought any vehicle left running would drive on its own

I thought I was gonna get sucked down the bath drain

I thought I was hollow, and I pooped when food reached the right level

I thought women just randomly got pregnant, and whoever her "man" was at the time was the father

I thought I would like growing up

I thought things were priced according to how many dollar bills it took to cover a given item

I thought girls couldn't pee

I didn't know that everyone died. I cried for SOOOOO long when I found out that everyone dies

RE: Re: RE: Custom Built YJ

mingez said:
Sparky-Watts said:
antsinmypants said:
i thought everyone had dishwashers, that every home every where had one... oh how i miss my dishwasher

My home has a dishwasher...I call her "Sunshine"....... :shock:

OOOOOO, it's a good thing she's not a member on this forum. There'd be one less Sparky in the world.

Ain't it the truth, ain't it the truth!! :lol: