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  1. Special_K

    Hey Er-body!!!

    I'll say the new one is technology-based but the specific nature is confidential right now due to competitive concerns. Don't want the competition to get a leg up before it's out the gate.
  2. Special_K

    Hey Er-body!!!

    Long time no speake'!! I've been absent for a while and was thinking about the board yesterday so thought I'd pop in and see what's been going on. I just parused some of the posts to get a flavor of the recent discussions. As for me, its been the same ole same ole to a greater or lesser...
  3. Special_K

    A holiday diet

    You da man!! That is awesome. By now I suspect that you don't even have to watch every calorie (within reason). Feels good doesn't it? Congrats...and as usual, keep it up. :purple:
  4. Special_K

    A question of morals

    I think the guy has a right not to show's his business. Viewers also have a right to go elsewhere if they really want to see it. As for me, I couldn't think of a movie that I have less of a desire to see than this. Sooooooo whatever. :roll: As for the subject of homosexuality, I...
  5. Special_K

    A holiday diet

    Okay, that's fair...but I didn't mean the water thing quite so literally and I certainly didn't intend to imply foregoing food for water for any period of time. That would be bad. Water has no calories or nutrients, per have to get calories and nutrients from somewhere so food...
  6. Special_K

    A holiday diet

    I don't believe diets are a good approach. They are typically temporary by design. Atkins was completely ridiculous IMHO. Who can survive without french fries, pizza, etc.? My two cents worth: Water. Start with only drinking water vs. other beverages. Try to drink too much water (you...
  7. Special_K

    Make up a total lie about the person above you!

    Once had a promising career as a professional Sunday hymn piccolo player...but misplaced his piccolo.
  8. Special_K

    Describe the Jeepers...

    Needs more fiber. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Special_K

    A holiday diet

    Back off buddy, she's mine!! :razz: :lol: ...Oh, and congrats cewtwo. Keep it up. .
  10. Special_K

    "Invisible Mode"

    I feel so fresh and free now.
  11. Special_K

    Describe the Jeepers...

    Word counter.'h!!
  12. Special_K

    Instant Messengers, What do you use?

    I don't.
  13. Special_K

    Make up a total lie about the person above you!

    Doesn't maintain his Jeep...hoping to reach 100K miles (or at least something close) without it falling apart :D
  14. Special_K


    Ferrari 360 Spider: My one and only true love. :D No temptation by the fruits of another here. :p
  15. Special_K

    Hockey Fans...Joe Thorton

    BTW, I have season tickets for Thrashers and go to most of the games so if any of you guys (or gals) ever get lost and end up in Atlanta and are interested in a Thrashers game let me know...
  16. Special_K

    Hockey Fans...Joe Thorton

    I figured you weren't entirely serious in dissing hockey. 8) If I thought you were, I'd have been rolling up my sleeves while speeding out to Kansas... :D That's cool about your son though. I just moved here a little under 5 years ago so I might have missed him...but if he is playing or...
  17. Special_K

    Roving Wire Taps?

    I absolutely disagree with these wire taps. Think of all the crimes we could prevent if we tapped everyone's phone. Heck, we could prevent all sorts of crimes before they occur. Think of how many lives might be saved. <---sarcasm here folks. There are already mechanisms in place to get...
  18. Special_K

    Hockey Fans...Joe Thorton

    Yeah, he stepped down to be with his mom because she was deathly ill. Yotes were without him for a game (and lost) and Team Canada was wondering who would coach their Olympic hockey team. Gretsky's mom (unfortunately) died within days thereafter. Conspiracy??? Hmmmmm. Maybe Team Canada and...
  19. Special_K

    Professional courtesy?

    Hey Look! ....A Puppy!!! <imagine puppy here>
  20. Special_K

    The arcade is open!

    With a name like funky pong, I had to play it. But I can't seem to get more than 5... :cry: :cry: