Hockey Fans...Joe Thorton


New member
I just wanted to thank you Bostonians for sending Joe Thorton to my Sharks.

He's AWESOME. And since he's been on the team, Patty Marleau has had the attention off of him, allowing him to flourish!

I love hockey again.

Hockey is just a bunch of Nancy-boys figure skating in pads and helmets.
Sparky-Watts said:
Hockey is just a bunch of Nancy-boys figure skating in pads and helmets.

OK, Sparky, them's fightin' words!!! Sticks down, gloves off, let's go!!!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

:purple: :lol: :purple: :lol: :purple:

Sparky, you dont drink beer and you dont like hockey.... you wouldnt last ten minuites up here in

You can get superman on your team for all I care.........Vancouver's taking the cup home this year!!!
bchcky said:
yeah, what a stupid trade that was.

Or brilliant!! Depending on your perspective.

Thing is, the Sharks went to the semifinals last season with the exact same team, but add Damphousse.

They lost a lot of games during that 10 losing streak by one goal, or shootout losses, etc. I don't think they were as bad as the record suggested, but with Joe, they are a damn good team! Marleau and Thorton, what a combo!
MikeB said:
Sparky, you dont drink beer and you dont like hockey.... you wouldnt last ten minuites up here in

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Wouldn't last long in the Mud house, least on hockey night!!!! :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple:

Go Wings!!!!!!

Being a Blackhawks fan I'll just stay out of the fray, though when we eventually stop sucking again I'll be ready...
His mother passed away the other day, but I had not heard that he was stepping down. Though honestly since they only show the yotes out here and I cannot afford the dish season pass, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention in the last two years.

OutOfStep said:
Being a Blackhawks fan I'll just stay out of the fray, though when we eventually stop sucking again I'll be ready...

Sorry to hear that.:( :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, at least you're a hockey fan!!! That counts for something!!!
OutOfStep said:
His mother passed away the other day, but I had not heard that he was stepping down. Though honestly since they only show the yotes out here and I cannot afford the dish season pass, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention in the last two years.

Yeah, he stepped down to be with his mom because she was deathly ill. Yotes were without him for a game (and lost) and Team Canada was wondering who would coach their Olympic hockey team. Gretsky's mom (unfortunately) died within days thereafter.

Conspiracy??? Hmmmmm. Maybe Team Canada and the Yotes should be suspects. <only joking>

I bet Team Canada and the Yotes can't wait to get him back. They'll wait 'till after the funeral (maybe while walking to the cars) and say something like...

Yotes & Team Canada Execs: "Great funeral. Soooo, ummmmmm Wayne, ummmmm, that's a nice purse your wife has there. What brand is it....a coach?"

Gretsky: "What!? No, its, i dunno, a Gucci or something. I haven't really..."

Yotes & Team Canada Execs: "Well, that's funny, because speaking of coach just happens to remind me of this little question, uh, Doan wanted us to ask you...."​
Ummm...Go Sabres. I am treading lightly on this subject. I am still waiting for the traditional Sabres implosion.

I really shouldn't diss hockey so much. I don't often watch it (never, really), but I have seen a couple of decent highlights. I'd rather watch that than pro football or pro basketball or pro baseball.....

My son was a very good hockey player right up until he joined the Navy, but I don't think he's played in 4 or 5 years. He was recruited by one of the pro teams in Georgia or Alabama his first year in the Navy (he was playing at a local ice rink and a scout's brother saw him and called the scout, who drove 1 1/2 hours from Atlanta to see him play). He tried out and made it to the 4th or 5th round of tryouts before they cut him. I always wondered what he'd be doing now if they'd taken him.....I'm sure he does too.
Sparky-Watts said:
I really shouldn't diss hockey so much. I don't often watch it (never, really), but I have seen a couple of decent highlights. I'd rather watch that than pro football or pro basketball or pro baseball.....

My son was a very good hockey player right up until he joined the Navy, but I don't think he's played in 4 or 5 years. He was recruited by one of the pro teams in Georgia or Alabama his first year in the Navy (he was playing at a local ice rink and a scout's brother saw him and called the scout, who drove 1 1/2 hours from Atlanta to see him play). He tried out and made it to the 4th or 5th round of tryouts before they cut him. I always wondered what he'd be doing now if they'd taken him.....I'm sure he does too.

I figured you weren't entirely serious in dissing hockey. 8) If I thought you were, I'd have been rolling up my sleeves while speeding out to Kansas... :D

That's cool about your son though. I just moved here a little under 5 years ago so I might have missed him...but if he is playing or played in Atlanta relatively recently there's a decent chance that I'd know him.

I have a couple of friends who have been recruited by and/or tried out for the just barely missed the cut by a hair. :( The selection process was part chance too based on the day of their tryout. The team had 3 or 4 days of tryouts and, ironically, if his was scheduled for either of the other days...he would have almost certainly made it. Their selection process is weird. He has plenty of time to try again though...I think. As for me, when I play, scouts generally drive an hour and a half away from the game. :D
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hockey is by far my favorite sport to play. but i think i most enjoy watching college football. then college hockey. the nhl just doesnt do it for me until the playoffs. nothing beats the nhl playoffs. but then again, nothing beats a pep band and 70,000 kids packed into a college football stadium.

I am going to the Sabres vs. Panthers game tonight...I cant wait.