04 Rubi stolen!!!!!!!


New member
Well, where do I start...I have a 04 Rubicon with somewhere in the ball park of $8000.00 worth of upgrades, from a 3.5 RE lift, custom seat covers, warn winch, ARB front bumper etc. I live in Tennessee and I took my youngest son to his first UT ball game. We had a great time and just had the best night as a family and found out that someone stole my Jeep...made me sick to say the least. What made it bad was that it was dark and we were all aone and both my sons were crying because they loved that jeep more than me, believe me when I say that I put alot of money into my baby and it doesn't sit in the garage, we 4wheel all the time and go camping (been in th body shop twice already). What really sucks is that some one put me and my family on the side of the road for about an hour in the cold...what a sucky feeling. I'm a State Trooper and needless too say, I started everybody I could to look for it, and I go in at 2 p.m and hopefully I'll find it hopefully with a few parts missing but I know I won't. I tell u know, if I find the pricks that did this...well, I won't incriminate myself. Just want all u all to hope the best and I'll add more as the days go on.

Thats flat out sucks...I feel for ya, had things ripped off from me before too and as crappy as it is to have the jeep gone it's all the time you put into it and the memories you and your family had and to have some s.o.b. take that away is a huge violating feeling. Hope it wasn't to bad a wait getting a ride but i bet those kids never forget the feeling of some scumbag stealling from them. Hope they find it in one piece and catch the *******s..
You might want to log on to Tennesse Off Road's forum and post up. Might also want to call some of the local clubs and off road shops...Jim's Off Road for one. If you haven't met Jim, he knows everyone from Knoxville to Tellico. Maybe he can point you to some other groups as well.
I hope you find it.
I had a 1988 Olds Cutlass Ciera stolen in Nashville in 1996. They took it joyriding, and it was found abandoned the next week, once the gas ran out. One window broken and the steering column was popped off, but otherwise in much the same shape it was before.

Perhaps a small consolation, but maybe yours will turn up the same way in a few days. Have you started calling impounds/tow areas yet?

White rubi with tennessee across the front windshield. Still have the claws on it? Anything else to be looking for? I live on campus, and notice almost every jeep that I pass I'll keep my eyes peeled though I doubt it helps much. Good thing about jeeps is once you mod them every one is as unique as the owner with very few almost exactly identical.
Sucks to hear bud. My car and my neighbors car were broken into last night. I can't imagine how it feels to be violated like that, it feels crappy even though they didn't get anything out of my car.. :(
In all likelihood, someone is not riding around Knoxville in your Jeep. It is either in someone's garage getting stripped (let's hope not) or stuck in the woods in the middle of nowhere. My bet is on the latter. Get up with the local clubs, maybe someone will spot it this weekend.

Another reason I don't like knoxville. I was there last night buying a motorcycle and Jeep cherokee. I try to stay away from big cities. Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully you find it.
That sux......I hate theives and after a life of hard work,and dedication in your case,it is just unfair to have some lowlife steal it.This country must wake up soon and realize that these liberal judges all need a trip to the wood shed.The school teachers who tell these scum,at an early age,to call 800###if anyone even says a bad word are helping the mass erosion of the greatest country.The worthless congress and all the "me,me.me generation" have no respect.Every healthy high school grad needs to serve 2 years for their country.Armed service,paint guard rails,pickup trash.....some kind opf community service before they can go to college.Any lawyer that gets some scumbag off,needs to serve that persons sentence if another offence happens.........well,you get the picture.I will alert all my contacts in the 4x4 field to be on the lookout for yer unit.Can you post a picture and supply the VIN#? Best of luck and pardon my rambling!