1996 Jeep right hand drive front track bar frame rail bracket needs replaced HELP


New member
I have a right hand drive 1996 Jeep Cherokee that needs the front track bar frame rail BRACKET replaced....... can not find it because it is not made anymore nor is it in any junkyards in the U.S........so my question is how do I change the part to something different without doing a lift kit ?
I found a bracket that takes a different track bar type but I am not sure it will work......(it has 2 bushing ends instead of the original bushing & ball joint ends) . I do not do my own work so I am at the mercy of my repair shop...................
my other idea is to weld the hole in the bracket (that is elongated from ware) to fill in the elongated part or weld a large washer inside the bracket to try and keep the bolt centered.......I am open to any suggestion that can lead me in the right direction to fix my problem...........
Until I am fixed the "mail is stopped"

This fella here made his and has got great detailed information about track bars and how you can fix yours.

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You have to appreciate this site, Talk Jeeps so many discussions over issues to make yours Great.
thanks ........... looks like I will have to fabricate a new bracket for mine and find the track bar with both ends that are bushings not ball joint type............
I have my work cut out for me...........great video.

Is your track bar reversed? Frame side on right?

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