2000 Cherokee Code


New member
I have a 2000 Cherokee and the check engine light is on. When I hold down the odometer button and do an on-off I am getting a "2.5" out for a code. I can't find a translation for this code, and I searched the forum and could not find anything. Thanks in advance.

I think that may be the firmware of your Jeep's computer. The internet had a lot to say about pulling your codes - I have no idea if all / any of this is correct:

  • On many 2001 and newer models, holding in the trip odometer reset button while turning the key to RUN will start a self test, with a readout on the odometer. It will also activate all instrument panels, one at a time. We do not know if this will show computer codes, or whether it only tests the instrument panels. At the end, it may show a few odd codes that are firmware versions and not error codes.
  • On most cars, the codes will read out if the engine light is on - all you have to do is put the key into the RUN position.
  • Normally, to get codes, you put the key on OFF and then rapidly do OFF-ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON (on some cars you have to do four or five, not three, OFF-ON cycles). On our test 2002 car, the key did not go back to unlock, so it was ACC-ON-ACC-ON-ACC-ON.
    • You may have to have the parking brake firmly set for the codes to show! (Thanks, Steven Midway)
    • For the 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee and up, you do the switching the key on and off 3 times, but not quickly. You turn it to on so the odometer turns on, turn it off, and then back on, wait for the light to turn on, etc. On the fourth time you'll get a code, or you'll get the word "done." (Monica MacDonald)