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What would the reason be for two plugs not working. Put all new plugs in and the last two not working -- even tried two other plugs in their place. All the wires are new, distributer cap is fine, the gap is correct at 35 -- still cannot get those plugs working -- only four working. The engine recently overheated due to defective water pump -- that has been replaced with new pump, fan, belts. Could the overheating done something to make these plugs not work???[addsig]


It could have damaged the cylinders or pistons. Are you getting spark at the end of the 2 wires that you say are not working. If it overheat for a while it could have warped the cylinder or piston. Take at the plug and get a borascope to look in the piston at Autozone.[addsig]

Have you replaced the rotor? you said the cap was fine, but did not mention whether you replaced the rotor or not. Might give it a try, it's cheap to do too.[addsig]

Yes -- I do get a spark from the end of the wires. So, it sounds like the pistons or cylinders could be warped. Is that an expensive ordeal to get repaired? Is it worth getting prepared? If I go to that trouble, should I be getting something else done at the same time? Thanks!![addsig]


How do the 2 plugs look when you pull them out, they could be fouling out.[addsig]

It is expensive! If you have a lot of miles on the engine you may want to look at a remanufactured engine. If it is just the pistons you can get away with replacing them. If you warped the cylinders you probably have to replace the block anyway. If it can't be honed down.[addsig]