$40 come-along saved my butt twice today!


New member

after getting stuck somethign afwul last summer i get myself one of them come alongs, and never got the chance to use it. Once this winer i could have used it, but i didn't have a long enough strap for it to be any good. Anyway, today twice it was a big help. the first was going up this hill w/ a mud pit on the bottom, and the other was going though this pond-like puddle that i knew i woukldnt make it through, but had no choice seeing as how that was the only way back. anyway, to make a long story short, big help, more of a pain then one of them nice winches, but at the much cheaper cost, im happy.


i've got me an 8000 lb come along.... its great... yeah it takes longer than a winch, and is more of a pain... but i kinda like the primative ordeal. its VERY effective, quite inexpensive and makes people go "what's that torture device you have in the back?"... i used it MANY times over the winter, a few times last year, and i plan on using it many times this year[addsig]

I think your $40 was a well spent investment. And another good thing to carry with you would be a handy-man high lift jack. You can get them for about $50 if youo shop around. And lets not forget the small shovel and chainsaw too. And the list just keeps going.... Have fun..OlllllO :cool: [addsig]


Is that the real name, a come along? Sounds affordable for me to have. But Where abouts do I get one? [addsig]

ummmmm... i can't quite remember what the box said... but if you go to the store and ask for a come-along... if they have one.. they'll know what it is... that is the common term for it[addsig]

It does not have to cost a bunch of money to be a great item. Come alongs are just a poor mans winch! MOre times than not all you have to do is move your jeep a few inches or a couple of feet to ge out of a rut, off a stump, through and snag, so a come along is perfect at times. Tug[addsig]



You can get a come-a-long at any hardware store. I am a little biased because I work for the corporate end of Ace Hardware so that is where I shop. Just make sure that you have proper tow points on your jeep. All of the rules that apply to winching apply to using the come-a-along.



i have a 4,000 lb come along of my dad's have'nt used it yet B/c i have'nt got stuck like you stupid people! HEHEHE ( no punt intened ) any way i keep it in the back seat of my dad's Yota :evil: [addsig]

ooh man.... i thought we got rid of that little punk....can terry or someone block his IP address.....man he is annoying....[addsig]


getting back on the subject , if ya can't afford a winch { like me } get a come-along. it's saved my butt before. it's one of those things ya may not need but if ya do, you'll be glad to have it.[addsig]


its got an end u wrap around a tree, and a cable u hook to ur jeep. u crank the handle like a high lift jack and it pulls the cable (and ur jeep) in. good stuff


I don't know how long that image will last... i'm sorta stealing it from an ebay seller... that is for an auction of 4 come alongs for $20 buy-out price... not a bad deal... but then there's shipping.. about $25... so that's $45 total... and my local ACE hardware sells them for $13 each... $52for 4, and no waiting, if you want to wait... or have some others that might want one, two or three of them... that might be the way to go...

That there looks like a 2 ton by the way
Here is the auction

edited by: Snitty, Apr 18, 2003 - 03:28 PM[addsig]

This sounds like a good item to get. What do you guys think the min capacity sould be. If that thing snaps its going to leave a mark for sure. Some one also mentioned tow points where would those points be? :) [addsig]


mines a 3 ton i think, maybe 2 ton?