5sp, peugeot transmission


New member

ive been reading that his tranmission is not very good, ok heres my concern.. i am going to look and maybe buy an 89 YJ with this transmission... whats the average life of one of these, the jeep has 100k miles on her..

whats it cost to get one rebuilt if i do have problems with it??


I think he is saying the transmission is dead if it has 100K on it. If it runs and gets you areoun for a while and it is in deed a good deal, don't worrie to much just start looking for an upgrade transmission and stock it back for the day the other goes. You may never have any trouble. Not all are bad! tug[addsig]


For a rebuilt Peugeot 5 speed for your 89 YJ, I'd say about a $1000 in U.S $s, give or take $100.[addsig]

I had a Peugeot BA10/5 in my '88 behind a Chevy 350 engine, held up fine even with 125,000 miles on it.

This transmission has gotten a bad rap, it's not all that bad. Don't 'not buy' a jeep you like just for this reason. Besides, it's easy to swap in an AX15 and those can be had for $300 to $600 used.[addsig]

hmm ok, so i drove the jeep today seems to have a slight grind going into 2nd gear unless you double pump the clutch, is this a big concern?

:-? [addsig]

I have the second gear grind. Not good it will need to be rebuilt. But if your jeep is your extra vehicle like mine just live with it. I got a quote of $1200.00[addsig]

My old dog transmission acts like a Pup with the change to Penzoil Synromesh. Goes into reverce on the cold mornings like i had been out driven it all night. Ez changes now and I love it. If Redline is any better it would shift itself. tug :-D [addsig]

Penn synchromesh is indeed the shizat...I run it in mine and it works great! Cold shifting is smooth and easy.[addsig]


By the way Thanks for the heads up on the synromesh ray. It is good stuff. Tug[addsig]


Don't worry about the slight grind in second. do like these guys say with the synth oil. It's just the start of the synchros going. If it goes after a while throw in the ax15. By then you'll probably want to put in a 350 or somethin anyway!! :-D [addsig]