83 CJ7 steering limited

Wes Owens

New member
Hello all, I recently picked up a 83 CJ7 project that I quickly got running and driving so that I could start using it this summer. My problem is the steering is limited when turning to the right and turns like a semi truck. It turns to the left no problem. The jeep does have a lift and tires so maybe it needs a different pitman arm?. I have checked it is not hitting anywhere to stop it from turning further. Any help would be appreciated.


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I think you're going to have to get underneath & check for binding of the steering linkage(drag link tie rods etc.) and also check the rag joint(bottom) & U-joint(top) on the steering shaft.
Check that the steering box is not moving or twisting. Bracing the box and making sure the frame welds are intact will minimize this.

Is it possible the steering was connected near the end of travel instead of the center.

I'm not sure you could tighten the lash and cause this issue.

#1. from the photos it looks like you have a spring over lift (spring on top of axles), do you have a drop pitman arm, not a straight one? #2 If The steering shaft was removed to do the lift the box may have not been centered when reinstalling which would affect left and right steering. Check for equal amounts of steering wheel turns left and right and that the pitman arm is pointing straight back when steering
wheel is centered.
#3. Cj and wrangler pitman arms are cloaked differently. There are flat spots (key ways) on the splined portion of the pitman arm, those flat spots are in different locations which mounts the arm different" and will make the cj turn sharper in one direction. You would need a "cj" droped pitman arm if that is the case.
count total travel left to right ,split the count ,check the pit for center,my need to adjust the pit arm. be shure the Pittman. is tight, and your universal joints are not shot.on the steering shaft, I like flaming riveer shaft