88 cherokee help please

Check that the vacuum connector on the passenger side of the front axle hasn't come unnplugged.
more details? whats it doing, whats it not doing? (other then not working) any noises before it stopped working or new noises after it stopped?
I dont believe it made any noises. It just worked one day and the next it wasn't. I just put it in neutral, pull it in either high or low,(it's almost as if I hear it engage) but then it doesn't work. How many places could the vacuum come unplugged?

is it an electric transfer case? if so get a hammer and beat on the actuator on your transfer case. don't beat it too hard but don't go soft. the motor might have seized up and needs a little persuasion to work again. if that doesn't work then i got nothin.
Well I just trace the lines from the axel to tray. It was unplugged at on point. So well see if that fixes it. All lines from axel to trany are plugged in. But one line from trany to under the hood where all the 4x4 lines are is unplugged. Is this just a breather or am I missin another line?