89 Pressure bottle burst!


New member
Well after complaining about a leak in my coolant bottlke, it finally burst on me today. Now before this my engine got really hot (260, in the red) and coolant was just spewing out from the bottle. I was wondering if the leaking of the pressure bottle was the cause of this overheating (not vice-versa), as I have only recently started to overheat (once, last week, coolant was low, I think due to coolant leaking and air trapped), with no changes in driving style. As I understand it, when pressure allowed to escape, the system will overheat. Just trying to alleviate some of my fears, ie having to change to open, change radiators, etc.



ps. flushed recently

replace the fan clutch if it keeps overheating. I had the same problem.
Well my question was if the pressure bottle leaking would cause the overheating, or if the overheating would cause the pressure bottle to leak. It wasn't overheating before I noticed it leaking and lately it used to boil over after a run and overheat when the coolant was low.

My guess is that the bottle leaking is causing the overheating, because the system is supposed to be under pressure and also the leaking coolant caused air to get trapped, causing overheating.

Let me know,

correct, if the bottle leaks, it will overheat. we all know from high school that heat makes things expand (your coolant) and as the temperature rises, so does the rate of expansion. without your coolant bottle keeping pressure built-up, it will just continue to expand until it boils, OR it will evaporate out until you have a low coolant level which will cause it to overheat as well.