Ahh the dumb things these kids do.......


New member
Remember when kids actually played to have a good time? I don't think I ever said I'd hold my breath until I got what I wanted. However, I'm sure if I had said that I wouldn't have been able to make myself pass out. And I sure wasn't going to tie a rope around my neck to try!

For you lucky S.O.B.'s with kids right now you might want to read this. I wish you luck!


RE: 1 step forward 2 steps back

That so called " game" has been around for awhile my brother and out friends used to "play" it we would hyperventalate with our head between our legs, stand up really fast against a wall and someone would push on our shest or neck and then your out cold, I remember I was the smallest and would pass out for the longest time. My brother and friends would think it was the the funniest thing, I actually went into cunvultions a few times. This is such a sad but true story. I bet if everyone is honest on this forum more than half of us have tried it. I hope this story travels and kids realize how dangerous it is. Wow just realizing how stupid we were as kids.
RE: Lift and tires!!!!!!!

i've never heard of people doing that before :| we happen to have a large number of young kids smoking pot out here, its just really easy to get your hands on. i guess we never needed to resort to that. i'd say at least half of my friends were smoking pot in grade 7 and i wasnt even associate with "the wrong crowd". its just insane to be a kid now
RE: Lift and tires!!!!!!!

Yea i did the same move as purpleyjgirl. I only did that a few times though. So I'm guessing that's what's wrong with my brain. Oh well it happens. But yea I can't believe kids are taking it that far. We only did it a few times just to see if it really worked, not to get a rush from it.

purpleyjgirl said:
This is such a sad but true story. I bet if everyone is honest on this forum more than half of us have tried it.

Guilty, as are most folks I graduated with (high school). Dumb stuff right there.
Its sad... And what's more sad is its only getting worse. It's tough being a parent, its tough being a child. Each generation, it just gets rougher
Yeah..... that's before I found "smoke" ;) I used to hyperventilate and grab my neck on the sides below my jaw line NOT on my windpipe..... my buddy bounced a dodge ball off my head while I was out..... I drew on him with a Sharpie. Not the smartest thing I've ever done BUT I NEVER USED A ROPE FOR SUCH STUPIDITY :shock:

:shock: That's just crazy. I've never heard of that before now.
Any body ever play a game called "Roshambeau" (rö-sham-bö, row-sham-beau)? it's a simple game played by males: "Male 1" asks "Male 2" if he would like to "roshambeau", if "Male 2"wishes to enter the game he replys accordingly..... "Male 1" kicks "Male 2" in the genitalia with the strength and force that he can, if "Male 2" can stay standing then it is his turn to kick "Male 1" in the genitalia with the strength and force that he can. After the game is over the males either go their seperate ways having learned nothing or enjoy a nice, cold, refereshing Adult Beverage of their choice...... stupid, but I have played and won several rounds..... it's a wonder I'm a dad..... it's also a good bluff if you have a crazy look in your eye and say "Bring it on!", got outta MANY matches that way too
Snitty said:
prariepunk said:


Yeah, what he said. Why on Earth would you want to let someone take a shot there :shock:

All I know is if anyone ever tried to kick me there, they'd better connect and connect good. As far as I'm concerned that is grounds for an extreme, anything goes, merciless asswhoopin'.
Cant say I have ever done the choking or kicking the "twig and berries" game. Damn my town must have been special. The worst thing we ever did growing up was taking a couple beers from dad.

When I was still working EMS, I answered two separate calls on kids (one 12, one 14) who had asphyxiated themselves during a session of "autoeroticism". This is often what is happening when kids are found with a rope around their neck like that (although they are generally alone when it happens). Autoeroticism is a form of masturbation in which the orgasm is heightened many times over by near asphyxiation. Rap a rope around their necks, strum the mummy, and drift off into the eternal sleep.

Give me a girlie magazine and a patch of stick-on fun fur any day over that.
Sparky-Watts said:
When I was still working EMS, I answered two separate calls on kids (one 12, one 14) who had asphyxiated themselves during a session of "autoeroticism". This is often what is happening when kids are found with a rope around their neck like that (although they are generally alone when it happens). Autoeroticism is a form of masturbation in which the orgasm is heightened many times over by near asphyxiation. Rap a rope around their necks, strum the mummy, and drift off into the eternal sleep.

Give me a girlie magazine and a patch of stick-on fun fur any day over that.

Woah - T... M... I!
Yeah, the neighborhood kids and I used to do the pass out thing (not the autoeroticism thing) in like 4th grade pretty much the same way prariepunk said. Did it a couple time just to se if we could, then the novelty wore off. Can't believe kids are doing it with ropes! dumbasses, I knew better then that in 4th frickin grade

Some updates/questions after I've had time to clear my head

i done it. accualy the first time i did it, it was by accident. (how you ask) i was laying down on the couch and i simply stood up too fast. then i wanted to see if i could do it again and one of my friends sayd "try this" and wham i hit the floor. i also woke up bleeding a little. never did it again after that. too nutz for me.
RE: Re: RE: What President Bush

I drank WAY TOO MUCH Korean Moonshine once! That stuff makes you dream funky!

My buddy Chuck and his step-son Kevin (Airforce) and Me...... anyway Kev was stationed over in Korea and came home on leave....... and brought three (3) gallons home with him..... this was at the begining of day one.... at the end of day three we wern't recognizable as human, more of a hairy slug-ish kinda moaning blob semi-coherant on the floor........ HELL YEAH I'D DO IT AGAIN :twisted:
He said it was easier to buy than milk over there..... he and his buddies would sit around and play cards and mix this stuff with Kool-aid....... It tasted like pure alcohol..... but the effect was fun