
New member
You guys will never believe this!!

Today on my way to my dads shop, him and I are drivin in my jeep and I give a common friendly wave to a guy in his lifted cherokee. This guy turns his jeep around cuts off a big truck and speeds up right on my ass. Then we pull up to a light and we hear this guy right behind us honkin his horn and wavin his middle finger around and everything. Me and my dad are like what the heck is this guys problem. At the nesxt light this guy accually hits me denting my rear bumperettes things. So right after that we pull into a Kmart parking lot and this guy gets out of his jeep cursing and yellin about how all he wants to do is get home from work and we gotta go and piss him off by givin him the finger!!! After we calmed this guy down we explained what we did and that it was a friendly wave and that all jeepers do it. I told him about this site and stuff so maybe hell be on here. He had no idea ther was jeep clubs and websites and stuff. He tryed to explain how it was rush hour and he had a bad day at work and he offered to pay for my bumberettes but i told him no, they suck anyways. :lol:
I feel good, i coverted a jeeper to the good side!

Thats my story, thought id share with you guys and gals

dude... i would had beat his a$$..... badly. Wouldnt had even been funny.
"Check engine light" woes

People with that kind of temperment should be put down like a rabid dog. :twisted:

I had a guy this morning cut me and another guy off. The other guy honked at him and he thought it was me, so he got right along side of me yelling and screaming, just going apesh... I didn't even do anything and he was trying to get me to pull over and fight. I wish I could make people like that go away.
Well, maybe because of WranglrWhat94's good samaritan actions, he'll realize next time that we are all friends. And that'll save him an ass beating from ah_too_bad!! :lol:

I don't think I could have been that kind either, but kudos to you for being the bigger jeeper. I'll think twice if i'm ever in that situation.

Didn't he think you might be strapped? SE Michigan, lot's of guns and gangstas right?

Nice job. :wink:

thats why i have my hunting blade on my dash at all times...... I'm one of those driver's you dont want to mess with. I had a bumper sticker on my old truck that said "get off my a$$ or kiss yours goodbye".... hehehe
It's good that you converted him, but i'm right there with ah_to_bad. Even if you did flip him off, that's no excuse to chase after you, let alone run into your Jeep. I would have jumped out and beaten him right there. Done it before and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

ah_too_bad...Hell ya. I live in Oregon, where are you from. We could go huntin for angry Jeepers!!!
Good story!We had a similar incident.Only some skin heads pulled out in front of us from a dead stop in their little ford contoer wagon,when we had the right away.We had to slam on the brakes and go into the other lane to avoid them and as we went by my uncle was in the passenger seat and was moving his hands like a pair of lips and saying "yabadabayaba" and the 4 of them all flipped the bird and called my uncle a female dog.My dad sped up and slammed on the brakes in front of them until they had to stop and my uncle got out and started chasing the guys on foot.The guys got so scared and they took off as fast as they could in their little POS ford.Man this was so funny.

ya, that is sort of a long ways isn't it?

Sully, that is so funny!! I bet they were pretty scared!
I agree with ah_too_bad, I'm a avid hockey player and more often than not have a stack of hockey sticks in the jeep. he mighta gotten one through the windsheild and one across his knee caps. I woulda "Todd Bertuzzi'd" him.. (any hockey fanatics on this site?)
Does Anyone here chew?

things like that always happen..thats why i keep a few large nuts in my cup holders...people piss me along side 'em and give a good toss at the door or somthing...make a nice dent...besides..the nut just fell off the car...hehe

ah_too_bad said:
thats why i have my hunting blade on my dash at all times...... when you flip that open to an angry little biaa*** rolling in his little rice burner, they tend to shut the hell up. I'm one of those driver's you dont want to mess with. I had a bumper sticker on my old truck that said "get off my ass or kiss yours goodbye".... hehehe

ah too bad and 88 wranger your just kicken to much dust here. Did not even happen to you and your all pulling a knife and kicken butts and stuff. Wrangerwhat did the right thing in this case just calm the beast and walk away friends. That is how people get killed in this world over a simple misunderstanding.

Once in Clearwater Fla I was bumped by a run down ratty ol beater of a car setting at a traffic light. Looked into rear view and the ol guy was small and old and crazy looing and stuff. Being the young big ol boy that I was I just throw her in park jump out and go beating on his driver window. You crazy ol hoot you done bumped into me at a light and we were not even moveing. Get on up out of that crap mobile and I plan to just kick your silly butt I do. Not useing them exact words but much bolder words like you all are useing with the ****** stuff to change nothing about your meanings. Then I found myself looking into a gun barrel that seemed at the time to be about the size of a cannon. I was lucky I was able to walk away he was not as crazy as he looked.

Now I am a big ol boy up close to 290 lbs and have a strong background of training on ways to hurt people sueing advanced hand to hand, knife and smal arms. Have used it a few times and for the most part it usualy worked pretty good. Have a concealed carry premit for a hand gun, and usualy have one close by or on me when I am out and about. Now I do not know your ages or you body mass sizes or you background and training in self defence but from what I gather here is some advice from an old fool.

1. Never take a knife to a Gun fight. even if it is a ricer.
2. Never get into a fight that you can aviod.
3. Never under estimate your advasaary.
4. Never jump out planing to kick the tail of someone who is chaseing you in a state of rage cause he is already looking to hurt you at a cost.
5. Stop useing childish "near cursing" on this site please.

Please do not take this personaly just the foul language is needing to stop cause here of late it has grown to be the normal and we have childern and ladys that read these post even a few old toots like me that just do not like it. Thanks in advance for you help in this matter. tug
sorry tug.... didn't meant to offend you, even though you have a good point, I tend to let the temper get the best of me in certain situations, and i've staired down a couple barrels in my time, they were mostly in Afganistan, but still you have a good point.
I completly understand what your sayin Tug. I know WranglrWhat94 did the right thing, but I also have a little 'anger' problem when it comes to circumstances like that. Also, barely anyone around where I live even carries guns, and even if they did, they wouldn't know what to do with them.

Sorry if any one here was offended

ah_too_bad said:
88Wrangles... where are you from, we need to go out drinking one night.

I don't promote violence, but that was a funny exchange between you two.

Jugghead23, hell yeah I'm a hockey fan!!!! I'm a Sharks fan. I watched that game between Vancover and Colorado. Now, I am a Bertuzzi fan, and I'm an Avalanche hater. I mean I HATE the Av's. But what he did was lame.

So you play? Me too about 6 years now. I too always had a hockey stick in the back, till I moved down here where there is no ice. :cry:
Sorry tug, if it makes you feel any better.I got stuck in the back seat when I tryed to get out! :lol:
Man I Love You guys! Seriously I just would hate to have a post about a mile long for weeks on end on how one of our's got killed over some real lame silly crap like a middle finger. I hope I do not come off like a dungie ol toot I just can't pass up a chance to try to keep one or more of my friends from getting hurt. And I am guilty as well. Just last spring I get in the jeep go to Johnson City pick up a couple of dozen really healthy tomato plants and start home. Minding my own business window down raidio up cruising along 30 mph and I have a kid cut me off from the own coming lane of traffic all but take off the front bumper throw his hand up and shoot me the bird going into the local drive up beer window.

Tug sees red. turn a quick 180 in the next parking lot and before the kid even knows I have turned around I am setting in his cars passenger seat. He aint even got his pack of cigs yet. Now I know this is just what I told you not to do if you can avoid it but see I too am a silly human. I had no right to preach. Sorry

The window sales lady ask what was going on and picked up the phone and told me that shes callen the cops. I told here that was a good idea cause I needed to tell the cops she was selling tobbacco to a minor anyway so she said never mind hung up the phone threw the change in the car window and waked away from the window to mind here own business,

I start to explain to this kid who I am and why I am angery with a really good grip on his tender young thigh meat and drawn back to punch with the other. He is all Sir this and Sir that and I am so sorry I was in a hurry and ect.....

I calmed down and told him if he was my child "seeing he was smaller but about the same age of my oldest" that 365 days from now if he was mine and had done something that stupid he would have been beat real bad for a full year. With grand memories of it every time he slept and dreamed. We were able to go our own ways much calmer or at least I was. He I think needed a fresh set of drawers.

Again I am sorry to have been so mouthy, Just did not want to see anyone come to a bad end over sillyness. Forgive an old fool ! tug

I would hate it if a guy hopped in my passenger seat after I made him mad.Nice move!