Well, this kind of stuff soes not happen in TEXAS. You see, everybody just assumes that the other person may have a concealed weapons permit, and does not dare do something as stupid as this driver did to you WranglrWhat94. I am personally working on my permit and I will have it soon. I hope to never have to use it, but with all the traveling I do, it is bound to happen sometime. I have already run into situations where I had to threaten some idiots so they would not mess with my Jeep. People tend to beleive an angry Texan threatening to use their shotgun if you see them near your property. Since then, those guys look the other way when I drive by or when I see them in school. I am not a fighter, but I will stand up for what I beleive in or care about. I usually react the way WranglrWhat94 reacted, and if that does not work, I proceed to stand my ground and defend myself , others, and then my property. I really would not shoot somebody for messing with my Jeep, I'd probably beat the heck out of them and then call the cops. Tug, very good advise! -al

YJ bikini top(black)

Yeah, I know what you mean. I too live in Texas, although west Texas. Here, we have the 5th safest city in the US. But Texas (as a state) also has the highest incident of wrongful death cases concerning accidental firearm discharge.

I know stats are misleading, but a Texan is more likely to use his gun against himself rather than in self defense. But the numbers are skewed because a Cowboys fan is most likely to hold a handgun with the barrell end pointed toward his own face. (I couldn't resist) :lol:

JK- if anyone is a Cowboys fan. :wink:
I wish all states were like Texas and Virginia when it comes to right to carry laws. An armed citizenry makes for both a safer environment and a more accountable government! A handful of stupid mistakes is a worthwhile trade-off for a whole lot less overall violence.

As to this story, WranglrWhat94 you and your Dad are to be applauded for your actions. That guy may have drove down the road and picked somebody else to mess with, but I think it more likely that you taught that guy a lesson he will hopefully never forget.

I've not been the good samaritan in the past similar situations. I have been known in the past to not even take a knife to a gun fight, just my hands and feet. Luckily for me I've never met a guy who would rather kill a man than take a tail-whippin'. Now that I'm a little older and have a family to consider I am alot less aggressive, but that foolish male pride/ego still can turn me into a real jackass in a road rage situation (when I'm alone not driving with the family). Usually when a large bald gotee wearin guy with large boots and military fatigues (what I wear to work) with an insane look on his face jumps out of a Jeep most folks just keep moving. Unfortunately not all have.

I hope to think of this the next time some ricer is tailgating me.
After we explained that it was just a friendly wave this guy appologized like a million times. Today people we askin me why i pulled over and wasnt I scared the guy was stapped or something. I wasnt that nervous, because this guy wasnt that big so if he didnt have a gun and felt like fightin us me and my dad would have had him for lunch. And second, i was just tryin to see the damage to my jeep and to calm this guy down. Who knows what he would have dont to the next innocent jeeper that gave him a a wave!!

I am suposedly living in the safest city in the US(Thousand Oaks).But stuff still goes on here too.
I applaud you and your father for doing that. Like most other people I could not have done the same. I always carry a big pack of bb's with me, when ever someone does something like that I just chunk a handful of them out the my window. But I'm glad that you made the rest of us Jeepers look good.
personally, someone gets that way with me, i call 911 and wait for the cops (cell phones are a wonderful thing).. if the guy wants to go after me, he's gonna have a ticket for aggressive driving at the least.... and a big surprise when the cop pulls behind him and lights him up.

Tug, can you explain this dirve up beer window? This is someting I have never heard of.
Sure it is a store with a drive up window where you can set in the car jepp truck what ever and ask for a 6 pack case quart ect... and they hand it thru the window and take your money so you can drive on off with out getting out. Down in fla I saw drive thru food store. drive in tell em what you want as you go they bag it you pay and they load you up! cool aint it! tug
mingez said:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I too live in Texas, although west Texas. Here, we have the 5th safest city in the US. But Texas (as a state) also has the highest incident of wrongful death cases concerning accidental firearm discharge.

I know stats are misleading, but a Texan is more likely to use his gun against himself rather than in self defense. But the numbers are skewed because a Cowboys fan is most likely to hold a handgun with the barrell end pointed toward his own face. (I couldn't resist) :lol:

JK- if anyone is a Cowboys fan. :wink:

LOL, I hear ya! Guns can be very dangerous if not trained to use it properly. You have to spend the time to get familiar with your firearm, and make sure YOU are ready to use it. In most situations, it is simpler to call the police or sherrif, but if you are in the middle of nowhere(most Texas roads are) , and you get into trouble, then it is up to you to take care of yourself. Hell, I have seem so mant drug deals, illegal aliens and stuff like that in the loneley roads I drive, than I have seen in the city. I'm talking about big old vans pulling over, and 20 illegal aliens running from the brush out to the road to get into the van! Another time, this supicious truck pulled over infornt of me (in a highway), and heads to a ranch fence and retreives several bags from there. Now, when you live in a border town for most of you life, you know what they are doing. Well, I catch up and pass them up, and one of the guys points at me and they try to catch up to me. Luckily I had a much much faster car then, and I was not afraid to push it. I ended up doing 114 mph , lost them and when I got to IH35, I quickly lost them. Down here, the trouble starts at the ranches where the drugs are brought in through. Good thing Iwas not in my Jeep, or I would have been in trouble. Well, at least I have real bumpers to protect me and defend myself. Most sporty cars do not. Scary stuff, but in my opinion, if everybody (responsible adults) had a gun, there would be (more accidents), but less crime.

In mexico, guns are not allowed. Heck carrying knives is not allowed, but everybody still has them. The drug thing has gotten so bad, that the drug dealers are using bazookas and military grade weapons to kill each other.
At most international bridges and in town, there are actually Mexican soldiers with M16'or something similar patroling. It has gotten bad. I remember when I use to go get real good stuff from Mexico at hald the price I would pay here, but it is not worth it anymore.
Mingez, how bad is it in El Paso/Juarez? It is probably worse there. Oh well, GOD BLESS TEXAS !


It's a weird phenomenon. The city is very safe. Juarez, not so much. Actually, they found one of the Cartel's mass grave sites last month. But when you go to Juarez, you see tons of Americans. Hell, many High School kids go over there to party.

Are you in a border town K_K_PSI_GUY?
good job wrangler94

I agree with Gray. I always have my phone with me and I will not even get out. Now if you pull a gun on me you will have a close encounter with my bumper an if you are still moving 4lo should do it. I am a tall scrawny guy and I don't want to fight so I just leave everyone alone.

I have had people want to fight that started following me. I drove around a block like 6 times before they lost interest and left. It was kind of funny they were getting pretty iritated that I would not fight.
In GA we just carry our's on the seat. A friend of mine had someone rear-end him (that is the preferred method of car-jackers in GA) He just held his pistol up to the Mirror so that they could see it, they drove away quickly. he then got their Tag-Number and called the law. they had to pay damages and were being searched for as car-jackers. LOL.

First off, I wouldn't have stopped to talk to the clown. It's pretty evident that the guy was a little derranged if all it took to set him off was "the finger" or what he thought it to be. That's when you call the cops and tell them that you have some road rage junkie following you.
I'm not one to start confrontation and try my best to avoid it, but the dude went too far by running into your vehicle. He would have walked to my window and been greeted by one of Springfield Armory's finest. I'm glad you were able to resolve the matter without anyone getting injured. Maybe the guy learned a lesson. There are far too many people getting shot over silly things these days.
Mingez, I am originally from Eagle Pass (border town), but I am not located near Corpus Christi. Eagle Pass is not too bad, but the further you go south, the worse it gets. Laredo is probably the worse.I don't dare take my Jeep across. I do party over there when I get a chance, but I am a bit more cautious now. -al

tom bertuzzi should be shot he probably ended moores career! as for the driving stories go i dont have any besides one time i beat a lil eclipse in a race and i guess he got mad so he cut me off and stood on hsi brakes...thats ok cuz he got some"daylight" :lol: as well for 2 sets of hellas and some high beams lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Thanks all for the nice greets!!!

redrooster said:
First off, I wouldn't have stopped to talk to the clown. It's pretty evident that the guy was a little derranged if all it took to set him off was "the finger" or what he thought it to be. That's when you call the cops and tell them that you have some road rage junkie following you.
I'm not one to start confrontation and try my best to avoid it, but the dude went too far by running into your vehicle. He would have walked to my window and been greeted by one of Springfield Armory's finest. I'm glad you were able to resolve the matter without anyone getting injured. Maybe the guy learned a lesson. There are far too many people getting shot over silly things these days.

I would have, if some guy has rear ended me he better have a good reason!I'll stop and have a chat.
Yeah we only stopped cuz he did that, not only me but my dad was really pissed that he would have the guts to do that. We werent gonna get in his face or anything, but we didnt want him to keep doin that.