Any Masons on Jeepz?

I knew a mason years back and just when I started getting interested, I PCS'd to Japan and really hadn't thought of it again until I watched the show. Six months huh? Man, that's a long time to prepare. So are you able to divulge what type of prospecting you have to do, ie; exams, memorization or what. I understand if you can't say. Also, how do you initiate becoming a member? Do you have to have someone sponsor you? Many questions here. I only mentioned the traveling man thing, because I had mentioned to another mason that he had a nice ring and he turned around and asked my if I was also a traveling man. Maybe I shouldn't have used the phrase since I am not for sure what he meant. Heck, not to make fun, but I always think back and wonder if that was some kind of secret password or way of telling another mason. Shoot me as much information that you can if you would, not saying that I would like to do it, but I would like to research it. Thanks, KJ

six months just for the first degree!!!

Prospecting is easy. like the license plate on my other car says..."2b1ask1"
to be one ask one. If you are interested just reach out to a local lodge, or freemason. More than likely there is a website for it with an email address.... gotta love the digital age!

Information is everywhere. I read a great book,... albeit,... a very difficult read, called the Hiram Key. It goes very deep into the various thoughts on masonic history. I have to interject though, I do not subscribe to many of their assumptions. They make some pretty signifigant leaps in logic to me.

I found this online and thought it was pretty interesting:


1. A place where you can confidently trust every person and trust your family with them also.

2. A place where, within moral and civil guidelines; free thought, free speaking and the spiritual growth of man, can grow into its fullest potential.

3. A place to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of life, that a person would not otherwise have had the opportunity to know and call brother.

4. A place to be part of an organization which has for its principal tenets – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

5. A place that provides self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to improve public speaking skills.

6. A place you can go to seek support as well as give it.

7. A place where moral virtues are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral virtues is experienced.

8. A place to spend time with a group of brothers, who by acting as good men, make me want to become a better man. Not better than others, but better than I would have otherwise been.

9. A place to become better equipped to serve Church and community.

10. A place to meet with established members of the community and to become a part of the community.
A fine explanation Brother Garrett.

The following is from a handout printed by the Masonic Information Center titled "Who Are The Masons? And What Do They DO?". -

Who Are The Masons?
Masons (also known as Freemasons) belong to the oldest and largest fraternal organizations in the world, with more than 2 million Freemasons in North America. Many of North America's early patriots were Masons, as well as 13 signers of the Constitution and 14 US Presidents, including George Washington.

What Is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is dedicated to the "Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God". Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts throughout the centuries.

What Do Freemasons Do?
Beyond its focus on individual development and growth, Masonry is deeply involved in helping people. Over 2 million dollars a day are contributed to charities from the Freemason of North America. The Shrine Masons (Shriners) operate the largest network of hospitals for burned and orthopaedically impaired children in the country, and there is never a fee for treatment. The Scottish Rite Masons maintain a nationwide network of over 150 Childhood Language Disorder Clinics, Centers, and Programs.

What Is The Masonic Lodge?
The word "Lodge" means both a group of Masons meeting together as well as the building in which they meet. Lodges are sometimes called "temples" because the original meaning of the term was "place of knowledge" and Masonry encourages the advancement of knowledge. Lodges usually meet once a month to conduct regular business, vote on petitions for membership, and bring new Masons into the Fraternity through three ceremonies called degrees. Here the bonds of friendship are formed and strengthened.

Who Can Qualify To Join?
Applicants must be men of good character who believe in a Supreme Being. To become a Mason one must petition a particular Lodge. The Master of the Lodge appoints a committee to visit the applicant prior to the Lodge balloting upon his petition.

So Who Are The Masons?
Masons are men of good character who strive to improve themselves and make the world a better place. They belong to the oldest and most honorable fraternity known to man. If you think you may be interested in becoming a member, you can begin by contactin a Lodge in your area or speaking to a Mason.

Some Notable Masons
Eddy Arnold
"Buzz" Armstrong
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Irving Berlin
Ernest Borgnine
Ty Cobb
George M. Cohan
Davey Crockett
Cecil B. deMille
Jack Dempsey
Jimmy Doolittle
Duke Ellington
Gerald R. Ford
Henry Ford
Benjamin Franklin
Clark Gable
John Glenn
Arthur Godfrey
John Hancock
Harry Houdini
Sam Houston
Hubert H. Humphrey
Burl Ives
Andrew Jackson
Al Jolson
John Paul Jones
Rudyard Kipling
Charles Lindbergh
Douglas MacArthur
Thurgood Marshall
Charles W. Mayo
William McKinley
James Monroe
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Arnold Palmer
J.C. Penney
John Pershing
Will Rogers
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
David Sarnoff
Red Skelton
John Philip Sousa
Danny Thomas
Dave Thomas
Harry S. Truman
John Wayne
How many degrees are there?

3 in the Blue Lodge, or main Masonic body,
29 which you can earn (and 1 honarably bestowed by a masons peer) in Scottish Rite, or one of the more focused divisions of Freemasonry.
Unfortunately I do not know about York Rite the other division of Freemasony


I looked everwhere on the web for that list!!! I have tried to find it many times. Thanks for posting it up!

Nice to know I have Brothers on the board.
six months just for the first degree!!!

Prospecting is easy. like the license plate on my other car says..."2b1ask1"
to be one ask one. If you are interested just reach out to a local lodge, or freemason. More than likely there is a website for it with an email address.... gotta love the digital age!

Information is everywhere. I read a great book,... albeit,... a very difficult read, called the Hiram Key. It goes very deep into the various thoughts on masonic history. I have to interject though, I do not subscribe to many of their assumptions. They make some pretty signifigant leaps in logic to me.

I found this online and thought it was pretty interesting:


1. A place where you can confidently trust every person and trust your family with them also.

2. A place where, within moral and civil guidelines; free thought, free speaking and the spiritual growth of man, can grow into its fullest potential.

3. A place to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of life, that a person would not otherwise have had the opportunity to know and call brother.

4. A place to be part of an organization which has for its principal tenets – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

5. A place that provides self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to improve public speaking skills.

6. A place you can go to seek support as well as give it.

7. A place where moral virtues are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral virtues is experienced.

8. A place to spend time with a group of brothers, who by acting as good men, make me want to become a better man. Not better than others, but better than I would have otherwise been.

9. A place to become better equipped to serve Church and community.

10. A place to meet with established members of the community and to become a part of the community.

Those ten things pretty much describe my church....or my reasons for belonging.

Pretty interesting history, though! Done a bunch of reading on the internet (ain't technology grand!!). I've seen Mason's "lodges", "temples", whatever all my life (we even have one here in Jackson, LA.!!!) and never really paid them much thought other than I thought they had a very cool symbol. The movie "National Treasure" piqued my curiousity (as has this thread). It's great to hear they do so much good in the world..........Lord knows we need all of that we can get. I just never was much of a "joiner"...........don't think I made it past Tenderfoot in the Boy Scouts.

I probably should join the "Oddfellows"...........seems like more of a fit!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good thread....interesting.........
It is kind of funny how this post started at the same time as I started reading about Thomas Jefferson, Though Thomas Jefferson was not a mason, he attended a few gatherings and was in the constant presence of several of them, His views seem to parallel that of the masons. The more I read of the masons the more their views are the same as mine which left me writing and e-mail getting the info for joining. Think it suites me well and have my fingers crossed
It is kind of funny how this post started at the same time as I started reading about Thomas Jefferson, Though Thomas Jefferson was not a mason, he attended a few gatherings and was in the constant presence of several of them, His views seem to parallel that of the masons. The more I read of the masons the more their views are the same as mine which left me writing and e-mail getting the info for joining. Think it suites me well and have my fingers crossed

If you make it in, it might make cents to study Abraham Lincoln too.
If you make it in, it might make cents to study Abraham Lincoln too.

LOL, I started reading about Abe, just right before my pager went off this morning for a rescue call. Like I said it's kinda weird how things are playing out. I received an email back just a few minutes ago from the guy I e-mailed and we are now setting up a time to talk and get to know each other a bit and see what it is I'm looking at/for. well Fingers crossed will keep everyone updated on the statues.

I am truly excited for you. The process of joining was one of the most memorable, moving, and pride inspiring times of my life. I'll PM you my number in case you do move forward and have any questions. I know the local Lodge will make sure you have an amazing support system in place,... but one more can never hurt,

Just shot you a PM?

Twisted, shot you off one as well.

well, just waiting to be contacted by the local masonic temple now, talked to a guy that said he would pass along my info to the local guys so just keeping fingers crossed will keep every on updated.

I'm a stone and concrete mason... Born into the trade, started at age 8. No pyramids or lodges, nothing special really