Anyone else itchin' for spring and warmer weather?


New member

Man I am ready for it! Just can't wait to get the top and doors off again but its just too damn cold right now. When it gets warm I am gonna head off the the lake for some wheelin and then maybe some good ol fishin hehe. I'm tired of the cold weather :-( [addsig]

Spring is long overdue, I don't mind the snow but when it's been so damn cold for month's that nothing can be done outside. Yeah I'm itchin'...........Bullet[addsig]

I too am so done with the cold, wet, no sun shinen, gloomy day, cabin fever state of winter that I could just about go off the deep end. Yea I am ready for spring. Tug :-D [addsig]


Spring needs to come, fast. My CJ-5 is covered in brown boxes filled with parts I can't put on because it's too cold.[addsig]

I know what ya only got up to the high 70's around here. Sucks to be in Fl. :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

natty... comments like that will only invite company to your house:-D .... with an expected high this monday of 5-10* Boston weather is long from seeing any "70's" damn its cold....[addsig]


Here in Oklahoma we go from one extreme to another. We have a little freezing rain right now, when this clears off I'm sure we will move right into tornado season. ;-) [addsig]

Yup this winter was fun but i am so sick of the cold weather! i cant wait for spring I have started planning camping trips in advance! :-D Jp whats up i live in Mass, also! Steve[addsig]

im sittin here in g'ville flawida just chillin!! in a backless shirt and short shorts ... hehe its warm up hear!!! hehehehehehe god i love florida!!!! hehe :lol: :-D :p :p :lol: :-D [addsig]


Panther that's just wrong to tease us like that :-D It's snowing out now as I type. It's cool to know I have some New England neighbors, I'm in Rhode Island..........Bullet[addsig]

cant wait for spring.. lots of snow this winter simiply means more mud on the trails this spring.... [addsig]

Im really sick of it so i got a little brave and took the doors off and bundled up like an eskimo. only had em off for a minute because we had a freeze comin :-x [addsig]


Come on Ray! We need this rainy weather!!!! I don't want them closing the forests again! We got 4" of snow friday night! [addsig]

sheesh least you live in a part of NM that HAS forests....I'm cool with the moisture but just want it to get warm hehe. And as far as the rain....late march or april should be bringing us all the rain we need (I hope).[addsig]

LOL, well, I don't know if I call these "forests" after being to Vancouver! But true, I hope we do get alot of rain coming up. We still have a little snow left, in the shadows. Sandia is covered, but it still won't open this year.[addsig]


Yeah, up here in northeastern PA we still got about 7-8 inches of snow on the ground and thats after a week of thawing. I can't wait until spring and summer. This summer I'm moving up to PSU Hazelton to go to school and I can't wait to go to paragon all the time. This spring is gonna be spent in my sister's boyfriend's cornfield having lots of fun :-D :-D [addsig]