anyone ever go thrift shopping? look what i found!


Active member

i admit, i totally enjoy finding weird and tacky t-shirts at salvation army... they're so much fun... look what i found today! i won't wear it, but i had to buy it anyways: it was only 3 bucks...



I am always shopping the secondary market for stuff. I make my living in the secondary market. It is hard to pass up anything that is a bargan, thus the rapping toons tshirt. hehehehe tug[addsig]

i hope i don't have to point out that they're in a jeep.................[addsig]

Don't be ashamed to admit to shopping at the salvation army, I bought my first sofa set there back in college a couple of years back. I only felt bad about taking a great deal away from the less fortunate people cause I could have afforded new, then I noticed a surplus of bmw's and benz's in the parking lot. I don't feel bad anymore.

I almost bought a Circut city employee shirt there once, and was gonna just walk into a CC store and buy a bunch of things and say I get an employee discount, but I I am not a crook! hehe



i had a large family and we didnt have very much money my mom was a single mom working 3 jobs so i have had alot of stuff from garge sales and good will and everything like that but i am proud of it because i am who i am because how i grew up i am a red neck i know how to do about anything because if a pipe broke under the house my mom worked to much to fix it and it coust to much to have others come fix it so i would crew under there and figgure it out and i learned alot and broke alot trying to fix it but now i can fix anything you put infront of me and i now am in the air force as a greese monky and i soon to be married and the one thing i have got in my mind is my family will never go hungery but they arnt going to be spoiled either. they will still know what work is ( i got a freind in the air force that has never had a job before in his life never worked at home or nothing and he 23 he just now go into air force and i had to teach him how to do laundery and cook and everything he had no clue his mom did everything for him i cant see how he could shave everymorning haveing to look him self in the mirror. he problemly had his mom shave him to so he didnt have to look in mirror ) sorry it just gets under my skin whne some one can sit down at the dinner table and say he not going to eat it because there are onions in it hell when i was a kid i never would have deamed about sayinganything like that because i was lucky enough to eat mus less have something thatt good.

from joseph if i said any thing that makes someone mad i am sorry but its how i feel[addsig]

well, i don't NEED to shop at thrift stores, but they're more fun because you can brag about your 'excellent finds' and such...[addsig]

I alwyas thrift store shop. That shirts seems like a pjama shirt for a girlfreind to where, life if i had a gf, she would so be wearing that..... i actually was in the alvation army today...
