Anyone see Pharanheit 9/11?


New member
I know I'm probably opening a can of worms with this post but I'm wondering what other people's opinions are of that movie and of Bush. As most of you know I live in Canada so I'm not really up on what happens in the US government but after seeing that movie I definately have my opinion now. The movie seemed one sided against Bush and made him look like a money hungry idiot in some parts. Seems like Gore should have won that election and Bush used daddy's friends to win him the election. Seems like most of his decisions are based on what will financially benifit himself, his family and his friends. I feel sorry for the people in the military who feel like they're fighting and dieing for no reason. Nothing agaisnt the people of America or the military but it seems to me like Bush is all about himself and what will benifit him. I live a five minute walk from the Canadian/US border and have a lot of friends who live in the States and a lot of them feel the same way. Don't take this personally, just my opinion...oh ya, my government isn't any better, then again, what politician is?

nope, and don't think i ever will. Waste of time. GIve me a bunch of video clips and adobe premire, i'll make anyone look like a moron or make bad decisions. Its all how it was put togather. Can't believe everything you hear in movies and TV. 9 times outta 10 its liberal news thats one sided.
Our military is doing a fine job, without them the war on terror would be lost.
Sure all news from any view is one sided, I ment that most news stations or newspapers are liberal. Most people watch or read them because there so many of them.

LGR said:
Our military is doing a fine job, without them the war on terror would be lost.
I'm not saying anything against the military and I think they are doing an excellent job...I have friends stationed down in Lummi Island, Washington as well as in the Canadian army and Air Force. They need to get idiots like Hussien and Bin Laden out of power. I just wish my stupid government would have got off their a#$ and helped out. Even if the movie shows a one sided view, they still haven't found any weapons of mass destruction, so do you think Bush was using that as an excuse to invade Iraq? I was down in Seattle last weekend and a friend of a friend believes Bush used that as an excuse to go to war which in turn would financially benifit him and his friends who own military weapons factories. As well as help out some of his Saudi investors who also have investments in military weapons factories as well as oil. Even if there isn't any weapons of mass destruction, I still think Hussein and Bin Laden had to be taken'd only be a matter of time before they did.
I will say this about Hussein, he found a way to govern the people that are currently killing our men and women over there, so maybe we should have left the old fart around... As for Bin Laden, he needs to be the guest of honor at a public beheading...

mud4feet said:
Bush used that as an excuse to go to war
Careful what you say, Craig. Have you ever seen "Canadian Bacon"? he,he,he
Ya, I've seen that. I get a kick out of American tv shows and movies that make fun of Canadians....I don't take it personally.
Brake Question

even if they didn't find weapons they stilll found mass graves..all then people die for no reason.
That movie is out to target the uneducated. It is ,of course, anti-Bush. Bush is doing a hell of a job as president. Just imagine if Kerryget in the seat. Imagine what he will screw up.

I haven't seen it but I have read enough of it's material to know I will not waste my time. Bush supporter or not, anybody who takes that movie as a factual documentary is being nieve.

Ok, edited the rob reiner thing :oops:
York PA Jeep show

He should have stuck with Sally Struthers and tried to save the children.
I'm not even going to get into the politics - or religion either. But I believe you're thinking of Rob Reiner, not Michael Moore.

I remember seeing a t-shirt once, from some military division or something......said "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out"........maybe that would work. Personally, I'd rather live and let live.....but that could change if you're shootin' at me.

my two bits....mud
I'll probably go see it, out of curiosity, anyway. I have my opinions of Bush and his administration, and seeing a movie ain't gonna change my mind any. Yeah, I think Bush used the wrong reason to fight Iraq. But, I'm glad he did, no matter what the reason he used. He had enough good, dependable, correct reasons to attack, I just don't know why he went the way he did. However, I think he messed up like his daddy did by not keeping the heat on. He called off the major offensives way too early, and that is why we're still getting our boys killed over there on a daily basis. A few more months of heavy bombing would have saved a lot of American lives. I also think it's way too early to hand over power to the new Iraqi government. At any rate, GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im definetly seeing it. i think for the sake of "seeing the other side" so far from the reviews i've read and the interviews of people who've seen the movie, the only people who "changed" their vote seem to be young blond women. not trying to say anything there, but they had a ton of teens on MTV that had seen it and there seemed to be a trend

Remember when "wartime films" were full of POSITIVE MESSAGES and helped restore the hope and patriotism to the people of America? This Moore crap is just dividing our country more than it should be at this time. There will always be differing opinions about the president and his actions while in office, but I believe they are doing the best they can for this country. If you believe that Bush actually "...waited 7 to 10 minutes in the school on 9-11 for the second plane to crash into the second tower..." I'll tell you that what your watching and listening to is just plain propaganda, remember that term? I do, it came up in high school when we were learing about Communisim and the Cold War.... hmm.
i refuse to see the movie. it's very one-sided, and it's obvoius they just used different video clips to make a false point. I think our president is doing a great job... i just hate to think what would have happened if Gore was in office when the terrorist attacks happened or if anything in Iraq needed taken care of... I would hate to see what Gore would do. I don't even want to think of what Kerry would do if he gets in office either
Rub you good, Rub you wrong, it is still

Go figure tug

Yeah, it is currently #1. #2 right now is "White Chicks".

Heavy competition there :lol:

Go figure