Anyone see Pharanheit 9/11?


Now there is a bunch of good movies out right now Tom Hanks new movie, Shrek II, Spiderman II, Notebook, and a bunch of other stuff. Face it folks the American Viewing Public is going to see this movie. Right wing left wing does not matter. It is a movie that is getting plenty of play time and you either love or hate it. Same as for the oval offices current main man. I can not speak for anyone but myself but think it is a good thing to be able to make a movie like this and let the chips fall where they may. This is the only country in the world where such a thing could happen.

My local small town weekly news paper so very sucks and I mean right down on the local level. We have a young news paper man that loves to stir the stinky stuff just to sell this rag. Sad thing there is a ton of local folks that take the records word for solid gold truth! There will be many Americans that will take Mike Moores movie for the same thingand then there will be many of you that will see it as total B/S..

My point is there is a very real precentage of the of both the movie and my local news paper that are fact and fiction. Do not wright either off with out some thought. Just my 2cents worth. tug
Tug-n-pull said:
it is a good thing to be able to make a movie like this and let the chips fall where they may. This is the only country in the world where such a thing could happen.
I do agree with that Tug. I think the guy has ever right to make the movie, and that is a good thing but I just can't bring myself to go sit through it.

[quote="Tug-n-pull]My point is there is a very real precentage of the of both the movie and my local news paper that are fact and fiction. Do not wright either off with out some thought. Just my 2cents worth. tug[/quote]

So true. This is why I listen to different radio channels and get my news online from a variety of websites. Somewhere in all the different versions of the news lies the truth hehehe

I am so astonished that people actually believe that Bush could cause a war only on the grounds that he would benifit financially. That is giving our president a whole lot of power and giving the rest of the govt none. Without proof that a significant danger was in Iraq do you really think the rest of the gov't would stand quiet while war was declared. With Billions of dollars being spent and hundreds of thousands of troops being utilized, I find people extremely ignorant who think one man can do all this alone.
judge09 said:
I am so astonished that people actually believe that Bush could cause a war only on the grounds that he would benifit financially. That is giving our president a whole lot of power and giving the rest of the govt none. Without proof that a significant danger was in Iraq do you really think the rest of the gov't would stand quiet while war was declared. With Billions of dollars being spent and hundreds of thousands of troops being utilized, I find people extremely ignorant who think one man can do all this alone.

Not that hard to believe. Take a look at where his financial holdings are. Military hardware, oil, building supplies, and technology.
Sparky come really think one man can send a whole country to war just because he stands to make a few bucks. The bottom line is that there was evidence of an immediate danger to the US. I believe the people who blame the war on Bush are a little misguided. Bush is in the spotlight but there are a alot of people in govt who must work together to pass legislation and foreign affairs.

Yeah, I think that everyone forgets, It takes an act of Congress to keep troops in Warzones. except for the Marines, all other branches require Congress to say if they go or stay. Please check you Congressional reps if you want to gripe about the War.
As Twistedcopper said, this movie was made to attract and convince the non-educated people to be against bush. Now whether I think bush is a good president or not I think that this movie makes America as a whole look very incompetent. Michael Moore tried to blame everything that is wrong with the U.S. on Bush. I do believe in freedom of speech but how Michael Moore made this movie, I believe he should just go somewhere else. If he is so unhappy in how this country is ran and operates then he should go somewhere else, where he could be happy. After seeing that movie I was very disgusted to see that MTV had interviews of a few 20 year old kids saying how much they dislike bush now. That movie was exaggerated and the facts were twisted. Were there facts in the movie, yes but editing definitely took a major role in the outcome of it.
Haven't you ever noticed that more than one movie claims it's the #1 movie in america at the same time. I do believe, if CNN is correct, that Spiderman 2 is the #1 movie at the moment so moore can go screw himself. As for his "movie", I wouldn't give that SOB my $10 for a ticket.NOPE. I hate the way he manipulated the movie clips to show Bush saying one thing and then cut to a clip 10 minutes later of him saying something off topic making Bush unfairly look ignorant. If this movie has enough power to change people political views and puts kerry in the lead; I wouldn't say I would move to Canada but I think I'd hold off signing my life away into a wussy man's hands. GO BUSH

I so love to see these post come up from time to time and I have learned to be unattached from them on Jeepz! Can turn a friend to an enemy real fast with religion and or politics. One side thinks the other is so misled and stupid for reason that make no sence then the other turns right around and does the same ting only backwards! It is a hoot to watch as long as you do not get all caught up in the mix, as I have a few times here.

You see I can only cast one vote and that is just what I paln to do come election day. I feel myself smart enough to be able to set through this movie and see it for what it is and walk away able to keep my own mind. I watch on the average 8 to 10 movies a week mostly rentals at home. I still do not believe in boogie men and do not think superman can fly though I have seen both on the screen. The 6 oclock news is just as twisted and tilted as Mike Moore is and I still believe what I believe.

Heck fire if all movies and canidates were suited for all of us then we would really not be very human now would we. Now Bush has made some good points in his term and he has screwed the pooch more than his share as well. He walked into a bee's nest right from the get go with 9/11 and all that right after he went through being the only president ever appointed by the surpem court. He has conviction and he does what he feels is the best, I am just not sure for whom at this point. Yet he is my President and I have to follow him untill someone takes his place in the oval office. Then I will follow his replacement be it in 2004 or 2008. I just do not have to agree with him all the time, ain't that nice to be able to say out loud in public?

As for moving to Canada well that to even be considered shows total lack of conviction from where I set. I have lived with this mistake for 4 years now the least you could do is give it a shot for 6 months or so prior to you packing your bags. However I will be more than glad to help raise money for the ticket if it is your choice to go. tug
I gotta agree with Tug on this.....ain't no sense in calling somebody names here for what's going on in Washington. If any of us really knew what was going on....heck, if that Moore guy even had a notion of half the stuff that goes on behind closed doors in'd make our heads spin. I won't debate anyone here on politics, as I don't care to try to change anyone's mind--makes too many enemies--and there sure as heck ain't anyone here that's gonna change my mind. I've already stated my opinion and basically been called a liar and told I don't know squat about the workings of government. Nobody here knows me or how much I know about anything, so don't try to guess what I know, or try to tell me what I do or don't know. I'm here for Jeeps, and a POC president or two have nothing to do with my love of Jeeps. Nuff sed.

Good points Tug.

Hey anybody else think it was real strange that when J.Kerry announced his running mate the guy was not there? Where the heck was Edwards? WIERD!
TwistedCopper said:
Good points Tug.

Hey anybody else think it was real strange that when J.Kerry announced his running mate the guy was not there? Where the heck was Edwards? WIERD!

Practicing his Scream?

Sparky-Watts said:
Practicing his Scream?

that was Howard Dean with the infamous squeal, not Edwards

That 5 second display of foolishness ruined what chances he had. He was the only democrat running that I could stand. Figures.
those of us in iowa though harkin was for sure gonna be the man, that was a suprise. i saw the movie yesterday and it was very entertaining. he clips, edits, and generally makes bush look like a moron. that part is funny. heres the wierd part... everyone supposedly thinks bush is incredibly stupid and the first half of the movie is set on portraying that. then the wierd part... the second half of the movie is spent accusing bush of this incredibly intricate plot and scheme of how hes doing all these very intelligent things to use to war to get rich. wait michael... is he a moron or is he a coniving genius?
TwistedCopper said:
Sparky-Watts said:
Practicing his Scream?

that was Howard Dean with the infamous squeal, not Edwards

That 5 second display of foolishness ruined what chances he had. He was the only democrat running that I could stand. Figures.

Yeah, I know it was. I was hoping Edwards was going to follow suit....seems like the popular thing to do.

I know I'm probably opening a can of worms with this post but I'm wondering what other people's opinions are of that movie and of Bush.

looks like you might have. heh
heres the wierd part... everyone supposedly thinks bush is incredibly stupid and the first half of the movie is set on portraying that. then the wierd part... the second half of the movie is spent accusing bush of this incredibly intricate plot and scheme of how hes doing all these very intelligent things to use to war to get rich. wait michael... is he a moron or is he a coniving genius?

That's a really good point. I haven't seen the movie, and don't care to waste my time seeing a propaganda film like that, but obviously heard alot about it. I haven't heard that point made at all, but it seems to fit the description of the movie that I have heard. How can he be so stupid/incompetent and so cleverly run a conspiracy at the same time?

Even though I prefer Bush over Kerry, I personally don't care if people trash Bush or love him. Form your own opinion based on your perception of the world. Keep an open mind. I just wish that people given centerstage spotlight like this Moore idiot would appeal to true INTELLECT instead of EMOTION and not rely on manipulation and deceipt to make their point. So much of a politician's life and beliefs are documented... If a person like this wants to make an anti-administration film like this, there should be plenty on record out there. Why must he rely on manipulation of videos and other items to make his point? It makes you question the basis of his motivation.

Man, I always sit these out... Why did I get into this one?
Yeah it's a biased movie. Yeah it's probably mostly BS. But if the movie had supported the stance and policies of the bush admin, then nobody would have even started a thread on this subject.

I'm a liberal, but I won't be parlay for this movie thank you very much. Moore's too close-minded for me, and is just too "Agenda Laden" to take seriously.

Dean was the only good Dem out there.

Bush being a moron is a given. Now his people, that's a whole different thing. But conspiracy? Nahhh.