ARB Lockers (air compressor)


New member
I need some Info. :oops:

I am installing ARB Lockers front and rear on my 1995 YJ but I was told by a sales person that I will need two air compressors. Is this true? :?

:idea: ARB can't build and compressor to run both front and rear locker at the same time? :twisted:

I don't know how the ARB compressor works but you could always get a small air tank and run each locker to it seperate run off seperate switches. This way you could engage either the front or rear seperatly or both.
Remember The Reason for the Season!

I was under the impression you only need one. Call a couple of other places and ask If you only need one take your business somewhere else.
To be truthful one will work just fine. Dont forget to carry the quick fix splice parts since it will happen some day.

The arb air-compressor is around 150$ but if you invest another 50 or so you can get a larger CFM compressor anf put a small tank below the passengers frame area. with that you can re-inflate tires faster.
zipzipper said:
I need some Info. :oops:

I am installing ARB Lockers front and rear on my 1995 YJ but I was told by a sales person that I will need two air compressors. Is this true? :?

:idea: ARB can't build and compressor to run both front and rear locker at the same time? :twisted:

The guy is pulling your leg!

One compressor will work fine.
I have never even heard of anyone using two air compressors for lockers.

You may wanna run twice the airline, might help cut down on leaks :wink: :roll:

I concur, only one tank.

International Harvester 727

:lol: Thanks a lot folks!
I will be setting those money hungry SOB's right! :evil:
For your info you can't even trust the big shops out there.
I got that Info from a well known custom Front & Rear-end builder out So. Cal. :?
I hope they are not lieing about there custum REAR-ENDS :!:

hmmm 2 compressors seem right, also have you checked your blinker fluid lately? you might be running low, but i have a good deal on blinker fluid if u want some :twisted:
Now THIS is Flash

If you really want to be cool, put a York air conditioner compressor on the engine and a small tank (or welded bumper/tank). That way you can run air tools, fill tires and hit your air lockers without that annoying buzzing sound.

Carter Carb from my 88YJ

You seriously need to call that guy back and tell him he's full fo BS! :x
Unless you like being "bent over" Guy's full of it! Both ARB's will operate just fine with one compressor! The ARB compressor has a small (little under a beer can) sized air tank built in. Theres enough volumn saved to operate them no problem.
You could always do what was mentioned eariler too, get a bigger air compressor, and larger tank, plumb it all up. If you choose to go that route, be sure to regulate the PSI for the ARB's to their perating range (me, I use 85psi on my system)
ARGGGG that burns me up someone trying to "bend ya over" like that!