August goings ons..........


New member
RE: Tire problems

Well, I've been a little quiet lately......just been busy. Unfortunately, not much wheeling, other than the normal side trips on the way to/from work. Been a busy summer. Aug. 1st, our son Nate got married to the woman he met at our wedding. They wanted to get married on the beach, so the month of July was spent helping them put it all together. It was a great wedding, though small - family only (and, of course, everyone else that was at the beach that weekend!! :lol: ). A few pics:






Of course, we missed the best picture of all (we were playing the music). The little guy on the right in pic #4 is Nate's son, Brody - the best man. While they were going through the ceremony, saying their vows, he had first one hand, then both, down the back of his pants with his spiderman underwear sticking was hilarious!!!!!! But it was a really great wedding and they are a really great couple - both with kids and both dedicated to raising them!!

Then, just a week or so ago, mudwoman and I (and my mom and my sister) cut a CD at a little basement studio in the area ($25/hr. - can't beat it!!). We're using this pic as the cover:


Calling it "Strum and Run"........."Warts and All" - referring to the fact that we just did one live take of everything (time is money!!). Lots of sloppy guitar on my part, but it was great fun!! Learned a bit, too! Mudwoman got to "get down" on her new upright bass and, as always, played a beautiful hammered dulcimer.
The musicians (?!?!):


And mudwoman's touching dedication - for the back of the CD:

The idea for this cd started on Memorial Day weekend, 2005.
Tim and Bonney were making their semi annual pilgrimage north and stopped off at Peg's house in Rudolph. She had volunteered them for special music at her church the next day. True to form, they had no idea what they were going to play. They all knew "Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream", so that was the start. Peg began reciting "The Box", and asked Bonney if she could play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as an accompaniment. Tim and Peg both started playing "Peace Will Come". Bonney whined enough so Peg found a part for her on the bowed psaltery.......and the rest is history.
After church they were on their way to Dayton, OH to play for Dad when the call came that he had suffered a massive stroke. He was called home 11 days later, surrounded by his family.

We lovingly, and with gratitude, dedicate this cd to the man we knew as husband, dad, and dad-in-law::

Rev. John Brown.

We miss you

......................So, August is nearly done.....bring on September!!!!! Hopin' to meet some Florida Jeepers (YJTino in particular) in Tellico this month!! Happy Jeepin' all!!!

Heya, Mud.....what would you sell a copy of that CD for? Just love bluegrass (mountain music) of pretty much all kinds.
Gotta love those Baptists!

Sparky, they're free!! You wanna copy? (Constructive criticism only, though! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
Aussie locker installation

I feel compelled to tell you all that that beautiful bride is 29 and has had two kids and got her masters degree in speech and language pathology as a single parent. And that handsome groom is the worlds most awesome welder and can guide a raft through class 5+ rapids without having anyone swim!! OK- I'm done bragging now- forgive me- I'm just so proud of them both I had to add my two cents!

mud4feet said:
Sparky, they're free!! You wanna copy? (Constructive criticism only, though! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
Could I get a copy? I like the pickin' and a'grinin' music too :D
My kids

Sure! We'll let you know when we get them from the studio- they are still in the mixing stage- we were hoping for this weekend, but maybe next!
Mud that sure is an awesome summer! The wedding looked beautiful and the heart in the sand is too freaking romantic *sigh*. That is so cool! The picking and a grinning is too! You go MUD!


mud4feet said:
Sparky, they're free!! You wanna copy? (Constructive criticism only, though! :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Heck yeah!! Love that pic you're using for the cover, too!! 8)
RE: Putting my Money Where my Mouth Is

I just worked a 12hr day and didn't get a chance to listen to it yet but I'll fill you in on it tomorrow..... looks to be a good one though!
RE: me again... coolant loss

I WANT A COPY!!!!! I'll pay pal you for it.

Sounds like you had a worth while summer. Great stuff. And the album pic is just perfect. Wow.

We recorded the cd at Gearhead Studios in Asheville- the guy that owns it is a hard rocker (lead singer for a band sponsored by Budweiser!) so we were a little sketchy about what he might think of our music- being as it's a far cry from head bangin'. After we picked up our cd's he e-mailed us and asked if he could put one of our songs on his web site. Here's a link. I'm so proud of my husband!! Havin an impossible time wiping the grin off my face!
RE: Reverse Pop!!!!

I LOVE IT espically #4 - Talkin' $20 Bowlling Green Bicycle Blues !!!GOOD JOB YOU GUYS!!!
Can't believe I missed this thread... but I caught it at a good time - that's good stuff !!!

Congats on the first CD cut Muds!

RE: Weber choke

Oh, Lordy...I was listenin' to "Don't Pet the Dog" on the way to work this morning and nearly ran off the road from laughing so hard!! Kudos to the Muds and family!!!
RE: Re: RE: August goings ons..........

[edit]Sparky-Watts beat me to it[/edit]

That and Don't Pet The Dog funny stuff you guys

P.S. Talkin' $20 Bowling Green Bicycle Blues (BGSU?), Hey, at least you didn't litter and after all of that did the judge ask you "Were you rehabilitated"...... a little A.G. humor, hope you get it ;)
RE: Laptop Stolen

Hey, thanx guys!! I truly love "Don't Pet the Dog"....loved it since the first time I heard it (not original, of course).....but a GREAT song!!!! And yes, Prarie, BGSU during my failed attempt at a college education (true story) and, no, there were no shovels and rakes and implements of destruction!! :lol: :lol: I GET it!!!!! :wink:

RE: Humor for a Monday

I floundered around there once or twice (BGSU), and closed some bars but never had a run-in with "two white pigs in a white pig pen" :lol:
RE: Audio question...

It made me think of Arlo Guthrie too, and Obie and his twenty-seven 8x10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

It was actually inspired by "early" Bob Dylan.......'60's "talkin' blues". But "Alice's Restaurant" was the first album I ever owned.....given to me as a gift from my sister, Peg. Still have it but it's unplayable (even if I did have a turntable).......I wore it out!!!!