Beeping when starting 01 Wrangler


New member
Recently I have heard 3-5 quick beeps after my jeep starts. It is the same tone as the intial beep you hear when you put your keys in and turn the ignigtion. Anyone know what these beeps represent?

At key on, engine off, does the ses lamp flash then remain lit till you start the engine?. If so, this means the PCM has a test on hold from various reasons. One is that the parameters to run the test has not been met due to temperature ,etc. Depending on the priority of the test, on several ignition starts and the test passes then fails then passes again, the PCM will keep running the test until it gets a 3 consecutive pass test or fail test and at which ever it is will determine if the PCM will command the ses lamp to stay on or not. This is just a thoery from the symptom you described without seeing the actual event taking place. Monitor the Jeep for other symptoms and let us know if you find anything un usual.