Biggest jeep wave ever!


New member
It was a nice day and decided to go for a drive. After getting on the highway, I see a nice looking rubicon coming up on me. As it passes I notice in the back is a young girl probally about 6 or 7 and she looks at me and waves both hands like crazy, made me smile. Just thought I would share, its nice to see young jeepers learning the wave so early....because we all know, there are still some seasoned people out there that just ignore it

Its always great to see somebody wave..Half the time i say to myself..I dont' know why I bother. But the people that wave are the only ones that matter. I'll still wave all the time.
Nymisus said:
As it passes I notice in the back is a young girl probally about 6 or 7 and she looks at me and waves both hands like crazy, made me smile.
That's cool.

Mingez said:
Many Jeepers don't wave at XJ's.
That's not.

I wave to all SWB jeeps, and the lifted/modded XJ's, GC's, and Libbys. All the others look at you like "who the hell are you?"

Young Learner! definatly ahead of the learning curve!!
I love that! I get it all the time. Expcially from little boys riding their bikes around, they're always yelling "Nice Jeep!" or something like that. I find it comical.

As for XJs i wave to the lifted ones with fatty meats. I would surely wave at you Mingez
if you're going to wave to one jeep, wave to them all.. there are many stock XJs and ZJ/WJs that go wheeling too, why should they be left out? I've never had anyone wave to me and its pretty obvious that mine sees the trail... The way i look at it, a jeep is a jeep, doesn't matter whether its lifted or not.

ahh.. isn't innocence bliss? it would be nice if everyone would keep that friendly attitude as they get older...

Nymisus said:
It was a nice day and decided to go for a drive. After getting on the highway, I see a nice looking rubicon coming up on me. As it passes I notice in the back is a young girl probally about 6 or 7 and she looks at me and waves both hands like crazy, made me smile. Just thought I would share, its nice to see young jeepers learning the wave so early....because we all know, there are still some seasoned people out there that just ignore it
This weekend was great, myself, my dad, and my brother and a friend of ours paul in his YJ went up to the national forest to do some wheeling. We drove all the way up there in a pack. It was awsome, passing people one after the other all in a line. People finally get out of your way. It felt like a biker club or something but it was cool to drive in a pack of jeeps. If the first jeep in line didnt get a wave, the last one probably got it cause the people might have learned what it was by the time he got around to them. Fun trip.
High pinion dana 30 YJ

graewulf said:
I've never had anyone wave to me and its pretty obvious that mine sees the trail...



We drove all the way up there in a pack. It was awsome, passing people one after the other all in a line

whenever the jeep club im in goes on a trail ride its such a cool feeling, to drive down the interstate for 150 or 200 miles in a line of 12 or so jeeps, and to roll through a town with 12 jeeps follwing each other or into a gas station, it really shows people what jeeps are about, as for waving to people, all wranglers get the wave from me and any lifted jeep, most the time people jsut dont want to bother waving at some guy in a jeep if its some old lady in a zj or kj or some young punk in his xj, by the way, i was down at the beach and i saw the sickest zj ever, sittin on 36 inch swampers with plenty of clearance in the wheel wells, it was gorgeous
No, ZJ's dont get many waves in this area. Too may yuppies drive them as their DD's. The only way to get a wave is to have some modification to the outside of the jeep to indicate that is actually used offroad. I do get lots of people pointing and smiling at my lifted ZJ and that is just as good too.
It's sad to say that most ZJs and XJs that you see around here are being drivin by the quote unquote "soccer moms" haha. If they are lifted I will definitely wave or if they wave first, otherwise I will just get a very strange confused look when I wave to them.

Same's true with me, I only wave if they have some sort of mod on them. Even then, they usually never wave back. I have two friends with modded cherokees, and they're the only ones who wave to me! All the others just look at me really wierd and try to figure out if they know me or something. I do wave to all the Wranglers though and they all seem to wave back.
Ladyjeepfreak - that's quite understandable, considering.
SWB = short wheel base
LWB = long wheel base
minor stuff, really, compared to what you're going through. I think God drives a Jeep (when he needs to drive), so you've got some powerful prayers goin'! Good luck - mud