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OMG!! Funny! a perverted sort of way. :lol: :lol:
Special_K said:
OMG!! Funny! a perverted sort of way. :lol: :lol:

LOL, but "perverted?"

They are suggesting eating animals, not making out with them! :lol:

JK, i know what you meant.

RE: WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mud4feet said:
I'm telling PETA!!!! :lol: :lol:

This was from a member of my club's site, it's his sig.

note the website it's linked from ""

No, I haven't visited that site, just thought the pic was funny.
RE: How

TwistedCopper said:
.............note the website it's linked from ""

No, I haven't visited that site, just thought the pic was funny.

Just noticed that!! Yeah, that's a pretty funny pic!

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Willys

hahahaha, that is hilarious!!!
RE: Humor and other things

We live really close to what used to be a wonderful national park- Cataloochee. In fact, that's where Mud and I got married. Then they brought in all these stinkin' elk and now the place is like a parking lot- tourists everywhere, each one dumber than the next. I would LOVE to put that billboard as close to that federal land as I could get it. I'm all for being kind to animals, but some are just jerky on the hoof.

RE: it was gon smooth...

mud4feet said:
I'm telling PETA!!!! :lol: :lol:

I'm wrapping mine in a pita...... with some A1 sauce, some melted cheddar...... moose gyro.....mmmmmmmm......moose gyro
Hey there everyone, thought this would be a good time to introduce my self. I've been around for a while but since I'm from Saskatoon SK, Canada it just seems fitting to respond. Any one who knows where Saskatoon is will know that Its surrounded by VERY flat land with WIDE OPEN spaces, but we actually do have moose, elk and even black bear around here.

RE: WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fireman said:
Hey there everyone, thought this would be a good time to introduce my self. I've been around for a while but since I'm from Saskatoon SK, Canada it just seems fitting to respond. Any one who knows where Saskatoon is will know that Its surrounded by VERY flat land with WIDE OPEN spaces, but we actually do have moose, elk and even black bear around here.

I can't stand Peta and environmental extremists... or more entertainingly named Green Veggies.... I have a friend who falls into both. Its just annoying

If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?
RE: CJ lock cylinder

well, i can understand those who are vegetarians. thats fine as long as you dont force it on me. if someone wants to eat a salad while i mow a burger, thats fine. cause honestly, i feel that if you couldnt kill the animal yourself, if put in that situation, then you shouldnt be eating meat. i fish/hunt and could behead a meal if i had to.

what gets to me are the people from greenpeace and the EPA and APA. and dont get me wrong, i'm not for burning down the rainforest, or being cruel to animals. BUT, there is a certain point where people must realize its for survival. when someone takes it so far as to throw a molotov through a fur store window, or spike trees, then i have a problem with it. molotovs put human life at risk, and while i have no problem with someone advocating animal rights, when the life of animals is put above humans, its been taken too far (hence the molotov). and spiking is a practice used by the EPA in which nails and other metal objects in trees that are in areas designated to be cut down for lumber. this puts the lives of the lumberjacks at risk and is very dangerous. if a saw hits that, those things become bullets flying around, and lumberjacks have lost their lives. again, i'm all for saving trees, planting trees, and all that stuff, but when you put the life of a worker at risk, to get a point across about saving a tree, you have again, taken it too far.