Billet YJ Inside windshield brackets!

Ghost Rider

New member
Just got done making these for my 1994 YJ. Got sick and tired of the cheap, old constantly rusting ones..... Rainy day here in Florida today and decided to find something to do on my shop, so here it goes.....
Winshield brace 1.jpgWindshield brace 2.jpg
They need to be bid blasted first and then polished on the high surfaces still but I will try to have one installed just the way it is right now and have a pic of it posted here later on today.
Quick picture of how they will look installed. note they are few missing screws because the stainless hardware that I had for the original plate were too short for the beefy 1/2 inch thick new plate. I also made the Front speaker grills out of aluminum to go over the original sheet metal. Behind the speaker grills i have 3 micron stainless screen to protect my new Polk speakers from dust, mud or water. The screen is so fine that actually water doesn't go through it easily but sound does wary well.
winshield brace installed 1.jpgwinshileld brace installed 2.jpg
By the way, here is a shot of my foot pegs that mount on the door hinges that I have removed from my YJ. Since I live in Florida, I don't use my doors. I am actually working on a net design for my foot pegs that will be made out of 3/8 aluminum diamond plate in shape of a foot (big foot) and will have a logo of my choice on the forward side of the pegs. I do lots of work with LEDs and getting something done that will be cool for my rear speakers. No sound bar here..... why have something that everyone else has??????
If anyone interested on my products that I make right here in Florida, please PM me. Website coming soon. Remember all my parts are NOT found in a catalog. I will offer discounts to Jeepz members as well as club discounts.
Have a sunny, nice Jeep riding day!foot peg.jpg
Mostly for cruising. We go on long rides and they come handy because you can stck your foot out and stretch. My wife had a hip replacement 4 years ago and it helps her. It is actually very comfortable. I don't use it when I just drive to the store but she uses hers all the time. Just another cool thing that I wanted. We get lots of comments on them.

they are good for air conditioning your shorts too, ha ha ha. they really cool you off when its hot out
Can make you a set with the gril on them if you will like one. Let me know. They will be $85.00 including shipping and handling.
Does anybody knows if the brackets for the YJs are the same size and bolt pattern as the CJ. I have someone that wants a set for the CJ. and if anyone knows before I go to the dealer and buy oe. Besides, they will probably don't have any in stock.....
I think I am all set with the sizes. Quadratec lists the same part number for CJ as well as for the TJ. If anyone knows anything different, please let me know.
Thanks guys.:shades:

i think they are the same also as i have cj windshield bolts in the shed for my yj. and my yj windshield bracket has the countersinking on the backside to fit the cj bolts.
On my way to the airport I stopped by my metal supplier and got the material for the windshield brackets. It will be all cut up and waiting for me when I get home Saturday. For you guys that placed orders with me, I will start on your Brackets this Saturday. Thanks for your business.
Here are the windshield brackets that Jake (Rock316) ordered from me. He give me the permission to post them here. Right now they are in the box, ready for shipping tomorrow. Thanks for your business Jake!


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