Body mods (other than Jeeps)


New member
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has any type of body mods such as tattoos, piercings, etc. I have my left ear lobe pierced, left eyebrow pierced, tattoo on my left arm, and just last night I got the right side of my lower lip pierced. I'm too old to go trick or treating and I deserved to do something for myself. It hurt a little, but I can still use my mouth about as much as I could before even though it has a foreign hole in it hahaha. Anyone? Stories? Bueller? -Mike :D

in 2000, i was struck by another vehicle, my truck rolled 1/8 mile... i rode it out the whole way... my friend riding along was killed... somehow, i remained alive, and even more amazingly, i remained conscious through the entire accident, and the flight to the hospital... well... point being... i've got a biiiiiiig scar that spans from my lower neck down to just above my @#$%#... couldn't stitch it, couldn't staple it... had to rope it up... looks like what a turkey would look like if it could heal after you stuff it... then... due to infection, the upper part looks like someone scooped part of my chest out with an icecream scoop.... yeah, i know... quite graphic... but that's my body, and part of me, i figure if i can live it, others should at least be able to handle hearing it... that is the biggest of the scars... there are others all over, but that one is my prize, that is MY tattoo, no need for any others
Attention: All Members, Yea that means you! hehehe

Don't have any tatoos but I was looking at the different tatoos available at a shop in California (I happened to be walking by with my brother and his girlfriend). The guy had tatoos in some odd places so I asked if they hurt when you get them put on....they guy replied: "Only if you want it to." Soooooooo, we moved on.
I have my left ear lobe pierced from my wilder days. Not another intenional mark of any kind. I like Snitty do have my share of scars. Just never had the desire to that. Rob aka PASmokeater has the Jeep Logo on his calf. That is a sold out jeeper there my friends. hehehe tug

As with Tug I have my left ear pierced, where I keep a very large diamond.
Once time long ago they were a matched set of diamonds that cost me almost three months of slave labor wages. One diamond fell out of its setting and the stone was lost. Thw wife cried for a long time and set the single ear ring in here jewlery box. Well needless to say I own the thing now. 1.5 months worth of wages and I couldnt see letting it go to waste.

I get pierced roughyly 5-10 times a week at work with metal slivers, cut on the average once a week from sharp end mills to freshly cut metal parts. I dont think I need any more body
I used to have my left ear pierced 3 times one in the top and two on bottom, I also had both nipples pierced.....took it all out about 2 years ago, when I started boxing.....still have what look to be holes but they are closed up pretty much....I also have a good scar collection, but nothing as bad as snitty
AX5 Transmission Shifting Problem - Which oil should I use?

I have four earring peirced, two tattoos, and two huge operation scars. I have two more tatts planned, and not sure after that! My best friend has 12 earrings in each ear and her tounge pierced, along with full leg tattos, back of neck tatoo, wrist tattoo. See what I have to compete with? lol

Snitty, that is just amazing about you surviving that accident. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Those kinds of physical scars are hard to deal with at first, but your right eventually you get past it because they become a part of you and can never be erased.

Tug! BY the way?? Where the hell is Rob? HE moved to TN and doesn't post anymore? Tell him we say hi.

Lady :roll:

Well at the moment he "PASmokeater" and his daughter are asleep in my living room and have been for going on 5 weeks. He is working now for starting his 3rd week here and is looking for his own place now.

Haveing 6 folks "to include a 15 year old girl" in my small house has been a real how you say experence but if you can not help out a friend why have a friend to start with. There has been times when I wanted to kill him and Afton but that is just not a good thing to have on your resume'. heheheehe

We eat meals and just generaly live as one big family here. We fight and get on each others nerves and so on but then we laugh and are Happy to at times.

All and all he is good. Says he does not want to post or be around for a time so he is not. I am sure once he has his own place and is back in a regular swing he will be back and cluttering up the boards with his goofyness. hehehe Tug

Thank you much for the update on Rob. I was wondering about him and his family. I bet you all are making a go of it all in one house, thats understandable why he isn't on then. I do miss his goofyness here but I am thrilled that you are extending those bear hugs of sharing with him and wish him luck on getting back on his feet and in his own place. You are kind to let me know. :D

Tug-n-pull said:
Well at the moment he "PASmokeater" and his daughter are asleep in my living room and have been for going on 5 weeks.
It is good to hear that Rob is alive and still kicking...but maybe not.. if they have been on your couch for five weeks you might want to check to make sure there still
Say hi for us and that we miss his goofyness around the board.

just have 1 hole in each ear. no tattoos because i know i would get bored of them and plus there is no ink art i would want to put on myself. luckily, in the sense that i haven't been severely hurt much yet, i don't have any scars.

oh yeah, hi to rob and the crew 8)
Had two piercings in left ear, one in right, no longer show off my "ICE" and i got two tattoos. no major scars but a couple little ones.
I wanst gonna post, but here I am. Currently I have 2 tats (one on my belly, and on I just got at the end of this summer on my foot, 3 holes in one ear and 2 in the other. Also, I have my nubbies (those little things for your ears that are attached to your head) pierced. Oh, my tounge, too...

I used to have my eyebrow pierced. The holes in my ears use to house 8 guage plugs, but no longer.

Couple of tattoo's, all are celtic in nature, some I can show, some I can't. No piercings, not really into the whole "making more holes in my body thing" The wife is the opposite, not into the ink, but couple in the ears, nose, tongue and eyebrow to come!

Got plenty of scars, I was a foolish and daring child. got a nice big one over my left eye!
I've got two tattoos. One on my inner left forearm, one one my right bicep, both ears are pierced. I've got a scar that wraps from my front right chest to my back right chest. Right thorocotomy, right middle lobectomy, 7 layers of incisions all the way to my pulmonary artery. Diagnosis? Lung cancer at the age of 34 (6 years ago). Never smoked and trained almost 8000 miles on my bicycle that year, raced over 12 races and never felt it. Found when I broke a rib playing broomball. Probable cause... Radon, lived in an old house and trained on my bike inside all winter long. breathing big and radon do not apparentely mix. It's a good conversation piece.
In order of appearance:
Rat Fink on my back
Wife's name on my chest
56 Chevy taillight on my left arm
Chevy symbol with flames on my right arm
Moon Eyes on my left calf
Scratched out EX-wife's name on my chest
Chinese symbol for evil on the back of my neck (with flames)

I just had a funny flashback to the movie JAWS when the boat captain and the oceanographer were showing off scars/wounds and Sheriff Brodie (roy scheider) lifts up his shirt and showed his appendix scar. Don't know where the heck that came from!

I had my left ear pierced when I was about 17. It hasn't had an earring in it for about 10 years. Never got a tattoo, although I tried to once, but the guy wouldn't do it because I was too blitzed. I will probably thank him if I ever see that dude again. I've had several different broken bones. As far as scars, one big one on my forehead from a steering wheel, a pretty good sized one on my right leg from a jagged piece of steel on a wreck dive (scuba), and I burned several deep scars into the grey matter from the late 80's-early 90's :shock: (they're the most stubborn healing ones)lol
one tattoo on my left arm..... tribal cross. plenty of scars from my childhood wait i still may be a child????