Can we make an 8 page post JUST about JEEPS?????

Posi Lock

Well, I really don't know how my Jeep is doing since I sold it about a month ago. I haven't even been able to do any offroading since then either...except for last night, we took my friend's 2002 Tahoe in a field and did cookies for about an hour, but that's a whole nother story!!
Sunshine and I just went and splashed through a BUNCH of water!!! There's an area at a corner east of here that used to be a curve in the road that they closed off. They just turned it into a corner instead of a curve. Anyway, after all the rain we got, the whole thing was flooded about a foot deep for almost 100'. We hit it at 45mph and by the time we got out the other side, we were at 20mph, two gears lower! Water came in through one of the vents under the dash and soaked Sunshine's feet! It was so much fun, we went through again from the other direction! We got it all on video, too, but you can't see much after the initial splash. Actually, we couldn't see anything until we popped up on the paved road on the other side of it. Yeah, I made sure no cars were coming.....heck, we live in a rural area, there ain't much traffic anytime there. I'll try to snap a pic of the area later. We're going to see "Shrek II" tonite for our anniversary. I told ya, we're both still kids at heart, right? She's 50, and I'll be 40 in October.

Since my Dana 30 snapped, I've done nothing to the XJ. Just moved, settling into a new home, job, and environment.

Looking for a SWB Jeep of some kind, (see thread in SWB Jeep section) Not having any luck, because I'm concentrating on political and morality threads. Heeheheheheh.
My CJ is still a pile of junk at this point. I've run into a couple of snags with the ignition, the body work is only half done, and the front end is now sitting on jackstands waiting for me to get the axle swap done. I'm getting discouraged to say the least. I have no time to work on it and more importantly, I have no Jeep money. My wife JUST graduated and we have a baby due in September, so finances have been depleted at this point.
The last thing I was able to finish on it was the hoodscoop. I got a factory Mopar dual snorkle ram air scoop a while back and I just got it sanded down and ready to mount.
summer has been great for me...started workin a new job getting paid year anniversary comin up with the misses...Gettin 35" Claws 3/4" spacers 1" bodt lift and a cb here in the next two weeks....went wheelin a few times not near as normal though, iwould ahve to aree with everyone on the fact that we all work to much nowadays :roll:

I've been working up to DOT limits for over a month now (70 hours in 7 days). On occaision I've traded the bucket truck for a van (not DOT wieght restricted) to get in a little som'n som'n extra.
Ahhh, I see the interest is lax in this post and the jail post is still growing daily. Sad situation guys!!!! What are we here for? I guess alot of priorities have changed, I think mine may be changing too.


What's happening in my world........ well, I have ALMOST finished painting my CJ khaki (from the Krylon camo paints).... have a little more to do on the hood. Then, I'm getting a new windshield put in since you could hardly see out it from the cracks. :shock: I know that I'll most likely be driving down the road and a rock hit my new windshield the first time I drive it since that seems to be a law of nature, but I guess I'm going to risk it. That should be done this week hopefully, if not, then it'll be next week. I just herculined the tub yesterday.... which was looking pretty good last night at midnight, except for the tape around the edges that didn't come out to well when I removed it from the outsides. So, I have a little more work to do on that, so should be done with it tomorrow night.

Today is my birthday, so we'll see what I end up getting for it.... I had a list of goodies to choose from, so I'm sure I'll be happy!!!

Also planned for the not so distant future is a 1" body lift, new wheels (cragar 397's), new rear bumber and rock guards (to get rid of the chrome currently on there :roll: ), and then to either have my engine rebuilt or buy a crate engine to swap in. I'm going to stick with the 258, so now I just have to decide how to handle it.

Man... seems like a lot of money going into the Jeep here lately.... gotta love it!!! I plan to post pics of the transformations once I get the jeep reassembled from painting. The way things have been going, it'll probably be a few weeks before she is completely back together.

On a side note, but still jeep related.... Here's a pic of the cake that my wife made me for my birthday today. She has done cakes over the last year as a hobby, and well, she's pretty darn good, if I might say so myself!!

Well, you asked what our Jeeps were up to this summer. Mine has had all the dust it wants for another month or so, so I'll be catching up on some small projects for her.
Yesterday I replaced both shafts in my front Dana 60 since the needle bearings were gone from the axle joints. I'm thinking about removing the oil cooler and relocating my electric fan inside the grill. Anybody want to buy an oil cooler with remote filter?
I am also going to put a new ignition switch in and CD player. The dust followed by rain has ruined my tunes.
The only fabrication work I'm going to dive in will be moving the rear axle back a few more inches. I can move it 5" with some Ford F150 springs or I can save up for some Fox Airshox.
Oh yeah, I need new driveshaft too. Front is bent and rear is abused.

Ahhh, I see the interest is lax in this post and the jail post is still growing daily

Patience, lady, patience!! It's a virtue, you know. :wink: I was going to put one more post on the jail thing (ENOUGH ALREADY!!!), but I was afraid that would take it to 9 pages (about 8 too many, I believe).

Anyway, here I am doing my part for this post (Just about Jeeps!........ Go! Go! Go!) As my TJ is still fairly new and my money is going elsewhere, nothing planned for "Lucille" in the near future (unless, of course, something breaks). However, the Mrs. '94 YJ is in bad need of some exhaust work (leaks fumes badly - cat's been removed), so we're planning on perhaps a little performance exhaust upgrade (as the money comes in). Perhaps a cold air intake, also (she's jealous of mine - love that sound). Livin' here in the mountains, we wheel almost daily. You can kinda pick and choose how serious you wanna get - State Road, Forest Service Road, loggin' road, "make-a-road", etc. I work for the D.O.T. in Jackson County so I have ample opportunity to explore. And some of the "State Roads" I've found would make your mouth water. They start out gravel, but if there's nobody livin' on 'em, they don't get much maintenance (which is not necessarily a bad thing if you own a Jeep).

Oh yes, forgot to mention I'm a surveyor. This is totally un-Jeep related, but here's a legal description for a parcel of land I came across today:
"Beginning on a beech on the little cove branch and runs Southeast to a big gulley where the horses were buried ti a pine; thence with said gulley to a large branch known as the Sutton branch to a stake in said branch; thence up said branch to a small spring drain; thence from the mouth of said spring drain up on the East side of said drain passing on the East side of the spring to a stake in the bank of the old road; thence with the old road back to the big branch to a stake in said branch; thence up said branch to a white oak stump where barbed wire fence was; thence a straight line to the BEGINNING, containing one and one-half acres, more or less."

Like I said, totally unrelated to Jeeps (except maybe the reference to the "old road"), but I thought some of you might enjoy it. Tell ya', it makes my day when I have to survey some land and THIS is what I get to start with!!

Hopefully, lady, all this typing has gotten us nearer 9 PAGES!!!! :D

y'alls friend in the mud.............mud
So, the update on my jeep is that since I fixed my Half Shafts, I have developed the sickest death wobble since I owned it. I checked everything and can't figure it out. Alignment is descent, track bar justified, wheels balanced... so now I'm going for some pro help tommorrow... and i'll get to sit in while we look it over together. We'll see.

And the 2nd car/ SWB jeep search continues. I'm leaning toward the YJ, but am having problems finding an affordable 6 cyl that isn't a POS. Found a reasonable 97 TJ 4cyl, but you know I'll always regret the lack of power. Ugh... it's getting frustrating.

Deals are out there, finding a Jeep in the condition you want for the price you're willing to pay takes time.

Man, I want a roof rack for my XJ! I was thinking about getting one of those receiver hitch deals for hunting season.

Lady don't change your priorities, I think it is just a phase. Alot of political stuff going on right now and there seems to be alot of frustrated people out there. Most of us are just venting. I have more important stuff to worry about now, like whether or not to get the coming baby a Jeep stroller LOL.

I'm debating on trying to lift the XJ this coming weekend. That would mean I'd have to give up a whole day of double-time on saturday (We get DT for any ot over 9 hours and I've already got 12 hours OT this week!)

I think I'll do the Jeep though.
LadyJeepFreak said:
Ahhh, I see the interest is lax in this post and the jail post is still growing daily. Sad situation guys!!!! What are we here for? I guess alot of priorities have changed, I think mine may be changing too.


To Lady, (Easily one of my FAVORITE members on this board)

You've got a heart of gold, but alas don't fret. Our interest in jeeps isn't waining or lax, but rather we talk about jeeps non stop so that when a new controversial topic arises, people jump on it.

Also, consider the fact that there are 3 tech forums inwhich there is nothing other than Jeep talk, and I think many get there jeep fix in there. In Gen Chat, it's anything goes topic-wise. And the fact that the topics are non-jeep related, but of the opinions of Jeep people is what makes it unique. I could easily get opinions from a NON jeeper, but what good would that do me? :wink:

So trust me when I say: we are an interesting lot, a family, with many different types. I'd take the shirt off my back to help anyone one this board, even if they don't agree with my ideals, because of that one wonderful thing we have in common... Jeepz.

Everytime I have a jeep experience... the first thing I think of is: I can't wait to tell my Jeepz peepz. While I type, I think to myself: "I know TC's gonna laugh at this one..." or "Lady's gonna freak out at this... " My favorite thought is: "what's good ole Tug gonna think about this one?" :D

I chat with some of you too, Sully, Trav, Snitty, Purpley it's all good. And new friends to meet, like Mud4feet, old one's to catch up with like Lanieac.
Did you all know that Snitty's a talented musician?
And don't forget about the jokester's like Johnny and 3L33T.

Gen Chat is how we get to know each other. TC's having a baby, and passed a stone (coincidence...I think not)!! Grae's got his beautiful little girl!!! Sparky's episode in the mud with his son. The list goes on and on. I learned about brown bread from Laura in Gen Chat. Pics, stories of jeeping, I love it all. New jeepers are born :D , great jeepers are lost :cry: , but we are all better for having had the pleasure of getting to know each one of them.

So, to summarize, don't let the debates disgruntle you my fair Ladyjeepfreak, for in our Jeepz family, blood is thicker than water, and apropos in this case because we all have the Jeep bug in our blood. And I know that I'll never grow tired of being surprised by all of you people.

Sorry to post again, but I felt the need to address what seemed to be a "Sadness" in your last post... and that made me sad. (besides, this'll help the 8 page quota)

---sorry to get all sappy, but that's just the type a dude I am.

--Ian Dominguez
Nice post, Mingez!

And as for finding that perfect YJ: Hang in there. I'll bet in the two months I looked for mine, I checked out over 30 different SWB Jeeps, and they were all torn up bad and looked like crap. Finally, I had almost given up and was going to try to make a deal on a slightly raggy looking TJ. 1/2 mile from that dealership, I spotted the one I finally bought. Perfect condition, one owner, never been off-roaded, low miles (54,000 on a '94 almost unheard of), and with my trade in I ended up getting the YJ PLUS $800 in cash! It's out there, but you won't find'll find you!

Yeah Mingez, well put....

...for a Pinkie leftist whacko! :wink:

As for the pics - start posting!

Try to keep them small enough where we wont have to scroll the screen back and forth!


wow what goes on when you dont check the computer for a few days..............
Lady: great idea about the post I would like to tell everyone about my summer but it really has nothing to do with jeeps (sorry) except ive been planning and thinking about all the things im going to do to my new tj (when i get it) hopefully this fall (fingers crossed ive been so pacient)
anyway I took a spring course to pass my GED for thos of you who dont know I did not graduate highschool but 5 years later I walked across the stage and finally have a diploma :lol: so today I went to cccc (capecod community college) and took my assesment test to start my criminal justice course in the fall. Im so proud of myself :wink:
Ive been working at the salon and cleaning cottages for extra cash, and going to newengland dragway every friday for the last month (another new found hobby I never thought Id in a nut shell thats what ive been up to, hope no one minds that i shared my non jeep summer (atleast its not political :D )

congrats purple!! :D

my random jeep story of today:
so seeing as i drive a grocery getter (though the liftgate won't stay open long enough to put anything in), i was at the grocery store. i came out with two bags and it was raining... and all of the sudden i saw my jeep. it looked like it was pulling out of the parking space :shock: . i almost had a heart attack. i was 0.2 seconds away from dropping the bags and sprinting after my beloved jeep when i realized that all the cars around me had left, so thats why it looked like my jeep was in the middle of the street :lol: . but my adrenaline was still pumping...