Can Ya Give Up a Little Prayer?

Sunshine's father has taken a turn for the worse. He's been battling emphysema for several years, and it's finally taking it's toll. He's in the end stages now, and has been on hospice care for going on 3 weeks now. I've been doing what I can for her and her mom, but it's too difficult for me to watch him die. I've watched too many people die in my years as a medic, and the final straw was my dad. Now all those memories of holding my dad's hand as he passed are coming back to me, and I gotta tell ya, I'm not dealing with it very well. I've been running back and forth from work to home to Caldwell (a couple hours south of here where they live) for a couple of weeks now, and getting about 2 hours of sleep in between, hence some of the odd times I've been posting lately.

Sunshine is holding up well, as is her mom. She's got two brothers and I can't stand either one of them, and they're not making things any easier by showing up now after 20-some years of not being there for her parents. Now they're pushing her mom into changing Dan's will before he dies to include them, and trying to take things from the house while she's sleeping (that's the other reason I've been down there, so Sunshine doesn't have to confront them). Of course, Laura, her mom, is too nice to lay down the law and is in danger of caving to their demands. This is all very strange to me, because my family is nothing like this. It isn't something I've experienced before, a family who is so dysfunctional and who preys on each other in times where they should be pulling together. It breaks my heart for Sunshine to have to deal with her dad dying and also with her brothers' greed.

Anyway, say a prayer for Dan, ask for the Lord to take him quickly to end his suffering. Say a prayer for Laura to give her strength to go on without him and to resist the deceptive advances made by her sons. And say a prayer for Sunshine, as she's not like the brothers and is there for her mom and dad, not for what they have to steal. Finally, if you have time, say one for me so that I don't meet my maker in my sleep behind the wheel.

Absolutely got it. Mud and I both will be holding you and Sunshine in our hearts. Take care of you so that you can be there to take care of others. Love to you both.
Sparky, God speed, This situation sucks and its a shame that this kind of stuff has to go on especially in dire times. You and your family stay strong and remember that we are here if you need us.

So sorry to hear this news Sparky. Please take care of yourself so you can be there for sunshine, she will need you in this painful time. Our prayers are with all of you. We are here for you if you need anything.

ChevyCj7 and family
Anyway, say a prayer for Dan, ask for the Lord to take him quickly to end his suffering. Say a prayer for Laura to give her strength to go on without him and to resist the deceptive advances made by her sons. And say a prayer for Sunshine, as she's not like the brothers and is there for her mom and dad, not for what they have to steal. Finally, if you have time, say one for me so that I don't meet my maker in my sleep behind the wheel.
Sorry to hear this. We will gladly pray for him, you, and your family.
Dan passed away yesterday at 2:05pm CST. Sunshine was by his side when he passed, as was her mother. I couldn't get there in time.:( Thanks for all the prayers.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Losing loved ones is always a tough fact of life.

How's Sunshine holding up?
Prayers for mom-in-law, wife, you and her family. Times like these seem bring out the best and worst in people. You are truly a blessing to your family.

I learned a long time ago that God never wastes a hurt ... you will be a source of strength to your wife's family BECAUSE of your personal experiences.

Sparky, I am so sorry for both your and Sunshines loss. I know the next few days especially will be difficult for you both, but I pray you will feel the comfort of the Father, and it will bring you peace. You know, if there is anything Mud and I can do, it's already done. Blessings on you both.
I learned a long time ago that God never wastes a hurt ... you will be a source of strength to your wife's family BECAUSE of your personal experiences.

This is almost exactly word for word what my mother-in-law told me yesterday! I guess it's true in a way. I guess if I had to do it all over again, I'd still rather see the things I've had to see so that I could help others deal with it.
Sparky, I am so sorry for both your and Sunshines loss. I know the next few days especially will be difficult for you both, but I pray you will feel the comfort of the Father, and it will bring you peace. You know, if there is anything Mud and I can do, it's already done. Blessings on you both.

Thanks, Bonnie. You and Mud have been on my mind a lot the past couple of days. I've been listening to the CD Mud sent me on my trips back and forth to Caldwell, and it's been a blessing to my soul.;)

Laura (my mother-in-law) has decided to have a short memorial service Saturday for Dan. At first she wasn't going to have anything at all, because he didn't want any big fuss, but Sunshine and I talked her into it. The rest of his remaining brothers and sisters need it for closure. She was afraid of how she was going to pay for it, so Sunshine and I told her we'd take care of it. Don't know where we're going to get the money for the cremation and service, but we'll find it somewhere, somehow. It's the least we can do. His ashes will eventually be buried in the family plot in a small cemetery near Fort Scott, in a town called Devin that he grew up near.

Sunshine's brothers still haven't been down to see their mom since last weekend. I just cannot fathom that. One of them won't even come to the service Saturday, I'm sure. It breaks my heart to see a family that is so....distant? Well, it's not the whole family, I guess, just the two brothers. Guess I've led somewhat of a sheltered life.....:(
Not sheltered ... just different.

Pray BIG TIME for the brothers. Something took place that hardened their hearts and they need to give it up.

BTW, if you find yourself awake at night unable to sleep, give it to the Lord to handle ... he was going to be up anyway.

you have my condoleances, me and the wife will be thinking of you and yours. i have been where you are now and know it will be trying but things will work out. i'm sorry for your's and sunshines loss.
We had a nice little service for Dan today in Caldwell. Short, sweet, and to the point. A few people got up and shared some of their memories of Dan, including Sunshine, whose short speech didn't leave a dry eye in the house. It was a fitting end to a man who never wanted to make a big deal of himself or anything he did, who would always put the emphasis on others, and was humble to the very end. 8)

Oh, and Mud and Mrs. Mud? Thanks so much for the plant! That was really sweet of you! Nobody could figure out who "Sparky and Sunshine" were!:lol: