center dash piece


New member
Has anyone painted their center dashboard piece where the radio is? I did and it looks bad. It actually didnt look to bad at first, but then I added another coat and little craters formed everywhere on it (maybe called pitting?). Anyone have any tips.
My process:
1. lightly sanded it
2. primed it with spray can
3. spray painted it
Did I do something wrong?
sorry haven't gotten back to you

Yeah there is special paint that should be used for plastics... and for the best effect, lightly sand and/or wetsand after each step
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thanks, Ill try that krylon fusion. can i just lightly sand the work ive already done or should i try to sand most of that paint off?

The cratering is probably a silicone residue (armor-all, etc.) Prior to sanding and painting the first time (too late), one should strip the surface of all silicones with the proper chemical (local auto paint supplier.) If you don't, then when you sand the silicone gets spread around the surface even more. Check with the local paint supplier or body/paint garage to see what to use that will seal the dash at this point in time before sanding and spreading the probable silicone problem even more. LBR
As long as we are on the subject....

Mine looks like crap too. Instead of painting it, I was thinking about spraying it and the gauge cluster housing when I spray the liner on the floor. Got any opinions on how that would look?
I sprayed mine and it came out good I Think LBR is right it needs to be cleaned well or the paint will fisheye like yours did

$$$CHEAP$$$Small Block Chevy 350 V8!!!

Junkpile-paint it with the liner. It will look good.
Off Road Park???

Me and my friend had the same problem when we painted his center thing. We sanded it down and went very light on the coats of paint. Don't go too thick, go real light coats a few times..that should keep it from getting them spots.
wipe it down real good with Laquer Thinner, Acetone, or anything like that...that's a de-greaser and dries fast leaving no residue.

Then the key is VERY thin coats...waiting for it to dry completely between them. And a light sanding every few coats (for the first couple) is a good idea too...especially if it keeps getting those "pit" in the paint.

thanks for the help. i ended up using the Krylon Fusion and it worked pretty well. Still not the worlds finest job but good enough for me. i also used a flat finish which hid a lot of the imperfections as well.