CJ7 Christmas Gifts?


New member
If you just bought a CJ7...what would you want for Christmas? I don't know what to get Joe for his Jeep, but I want to get him Jeep stuff...It's gonna be a Jeep Christmas around my house!

I want to get his sumpthin wicked cool, and $$ is kinda an object (I want to keep it under $1000).

I was thinking of a hard top, bigger tires, or a different suspension...I don't know.

Could you help a girl out?

lift, 1 piece shafts for tha amc20...... new tires/wheels, rust protection for those rear fenders, winch, locker
Oh Laura I Suuuuure hope you and Joe are married!! Or he is going ask you DEC 26th!!! :lol: :lol:

Heck I will beat him to it........................

Will you marry me????????? 8) 8) :wink: My wife will say it's ok since she should save money with you helping me finance my ride. Of course that would mean she would have TWO jeep freakies in the house. :shock:
help with disconnects!!!!

onboard air is what i asked santa for. that would be a cool Christmas gift. you can get the Powertank which is a CO2 system for about $350 depending on where you live

use the money to fix anything that might need to be fixed...usually CJs need something fixed
you should get him bigger tires since he gonna go SOA. probably 33 or 35 inch swampers. he would love that. but he is gonna need some onboard to fill those puppies up. but if he gets bigger tires, then he's definitely gonna need that one peice shaft.

such a dilemma....you're just gonna have to get it all
I always tell Momma Tug "All I want is You for Christmas Tie a Ribbon Around Yourself" but if she were to want to buy me Jeep toys I think that would be ok in addition. Full cage roll cage, Better Bumpers, There is no end to the choices you could make here. tug

BakedAlaskan, HA! :lol: He's gonna kill me, but here it goes. After 6 years of making dinner, doing laundry, picking up his nasty socks, and listening to him snore wicked loud every night for 4 years, one would think we would be married, but no such luck.

He loves this, but Joe, "Where is my ring?" I told him I'd take the CJ7 instead of the ring, but he didn't go for that. I think he is thinking, "If I get the ring, she can't ask for mods for it." But the Jeep, it would be like a life long expense.

These are all wicked good ideas except jeeperjoe's... :D

Hhhmmm....Less than $1000, huh?

Let's see...OK, I've got it.

Take $10.00...send mingez and me each a can of B&M brown bread.

Take remaining $990.00 and send yourself and Joe on a week-long Christmas cruise.


Gadget, do you want brown bread, I have some, I have already sent Mingez his!

A cruise? do I have to fly anywhere?
Hi-Ya, Laura,

Smile! Gadget was teasing about the bread, but thank you for the offer.

Gadget must watch his goodie intake. Once in a while, if Gadget was very, very good, he is allowed to have a couple of Halley's Comet cookies.

Most people call them half-moon cookies, but since they appear in my universe only about every 76-years, I have renamed them Halley's Comet cookies.

Maybe I should be better? Ya think? :mrgreen:

I forgot that you mentioned a fear of flying, but there are cruises that depart/return from/to the NYC area. Perhaps you could drive or take a train to NYC.

Most east coast cruises do seem to work out of Florida ports, though. Drivable, but given where you live, that would be about 4 days total of vacation time lost to driving.

Still....a cruise would make for one heck of a nice Christmas present.

Why don't you just get him a gift certificate to a a jeep or offroad catalog? 4wd is a good one, and then he can pick what he wants

RenegadeChic77 said:
Why don't you just get him a gift certificate to a a jeep or offroad catalog? 4wd is a good one, and then he can pick what he wants

I'll second that, Laura! Gift certificates are probably the worst thing to give a female. You'll end up being an insensitive jerk and thoughtless! For a guy, at least this one anyhow, it's perfect! I don't care if I'm stereotyping here, there's always an exception, but for the most part I think I'm right!
Laura! Girl I didn't know ya'll had another JEEP! Way cool g/f! Gee I would think anything jeep related ya get him would rock his world. lol

Congrats on the purchase!!
I love how Joe replied that he wants everything!!! LMAO

Fix what needs to be fixed for now! Make sure all your mechanicals are on order (motor, transmission, T-case) change all the fluids, and inspect them, making sure there is no metal flakes in there! then address modifications.
If SOA is in your future, I would change over to YJ springs first!

Good luck and keep me updated!

i would like to say that yankees do not suck--- i could go into a long, detailed descussion about this, and how I must deal with it until I move from the south, but yankees do not suck-- they could say the same about southerners, but do they? nope... jmo

L33TJ33P, Yeah, I figured that would come up. :lol: :lol:

I am a yank, but I'm not a Yankee. What can ya do, you live here your whole life...