CJ7 wont start?


New member
Ok, so I've checked the battery, and it's fine. When I put the key in the ignition and turn it, it just goes all the way around with no resistance and won't crank or turn over the engine. Really bumming me out, the wife and I were supposed to go to the lake today. Any help would be appreciated!

Sorry about your plans getting getting ruined for you and the misses on such a beautiful day too .
the way your describing turning the key with no resistance , do you mean the ignition key lock ? If so , it sounds like the column linkage to the ignition switch or possibly the ignition switch itself , mounted at bottom of column , is possibly the problem. Are you at least getting any indication that current is flowing , I.E. , dash gauges , wipers , etc. that would not normally turn on with key off ? If power is found but starter is not cranking , you can try to bypass the starter solenoid. . But before we do that , hopefully you've checked all fuses and relays ? You want to try and find any and all fuses and relays pertaining to starter system . While there , look for the same for the ignition system . Hope you can save the day and put a smile back on your girls face ! Greg92jeepxj

P.S. - if you find this is not the case , time to break out the test light and DMM, will help with that .
Just a quick check to diagnostics , with ignition on , put a test light on the positive + side of the ignition coil to see if your getting any current there , hopefully you got light . Try jumping the two big studs on the solenoid to see if the starter cranks . Hope you got a remote starter switch as it is important to make good , safe connections and avoid sparks. If ignition reads good , and starter will crank using bypass , the solenoid will need to be changed . Post when you can , best of luck .
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Power to ignition coil is good, and I don't have a remoter starter switch so I guess I'll have to use jumper cables. But yeah what I was saying with the ignition key is it goes past where it normally should to crank, and nothing happens. The gauges turn on, lights turn on and all that jazz but the engine does nothing. It doesn't click or try to turn over, just dead silence.

Ok, glad you are not without power , that just gets you to the lake all that much later. Good choice using the jumpers , as you know , if the starter cranks with the jump , engine will catch and all you should need is a solenoid . Nice that they can be swapped out from under the hood and not under the jeep !
!!!!! Just RE-read your post , key is turning PAST where it normally stops when holding key to crank starter ? Please check under column where linkage rod comes from ignition lock to ignition switch . Either it popped out of switch and can be put back in , or switch plain out worn. I've a feeling were looking at a replacement ignition switch. I know you want your jeep reliable, especially when the misses borrows it !

Yep, thanks for all your help!

I take it you got 'er to crank and start ? Guess it between the starter solenoid and column ignition switch. I would say first check the column ign. switch to see what's up with it since it turns to far and your recognizing that's not normal. They might be a LOT of fun to reach and change , but once done , your good to go ! Your most welcome and best of luck ! Glad you've saved the weekend and made your little girl happy !
!!!!! Just RE-read your post , key is turning PAST where it normally stops when holding key to crank starter ? Please check under column where linkage rod comes from ignition lock to ignition switch . Either it popped out of switch and can be put back in , or switch plain out worn. I've a feeling were looking at a replacement ignition switch. I know you want your jeep reliable, especially when the misses borrows it !

Ok, this might sound really dumb, but where do I find that linkage rod? I'm looking at the column but don't see anything
Not a dumb question , it's dark under a dash . The linkage rod is on top at twelve o'clock on the column , that's what makes it difficult to find , much less see. The ignition switch is held by two screws to the column with a bunch of plugs to it . The rod snaps on to it from top . If rod is still in place , sounds like the switch is busted. Not fun working under dashes on your back in these contorted positions unless we are sadist , or a contortionist but not much choice , sorry . These switches just pick the most convenient times , don't they ?
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I don't know how close the switch will be bolted to the column and how close to the column bracket to dash , but follow where the column goes through the firewall and up toward back of dash . You should see the switch with a bunch of wires plugged into it . If you can reach up and manipulate the ignition lock while looking for the rod , that may help to find rod and confirm if it is in position and sliding the mechanism properly or not . If its that tough to get up there , you may have to remove the column support bracket to drop the column a bit to see and work better . Please be careful , we do not want you to force column down .
Forgot to ask what year your jeep is , but if your headlight dimmer switch is not floor mounted but works off the turn signal switch , it will be close to the ignition switch . Check which is which by manipulating turn signal high beam lever and look for linkage rod to it. Didn't want you to confuse the column mounted dimmer switch for the ignition switch . Sorry about that :redface:
In my haste to answer your replies , I failed to give a test check ; on the starter solenoid there is a small post marked with an S . That is the START position from the ignition switch . Check that wire with a volt meter with key to START position . If it reads any voltage , ignition switch is working , but I don't expect it to as you said the key rotates past the normal position . Also , ignition on , solenoid wire from ign. switch off post , touch a screw driver or something metal from S post to battery cable connection to see if starter cranks . If yes , starter solenoid is good .
sorry for more confusion :redface::redface:

Any luck yet? I'm with greg though, it sounds like solenoid or the rod to ignition switch fell out.
Sorry for the late reply gents, I've been working like crazy. I did a quick check of the ignition switch wire on the solenoid yesterday, and if I remember correctly it read something like 6.02 volts. I'm going to check again this evening, and try to take a look at that rod on the column. I sincerely appreciate all the help, and will post the results as soon as possible! Thanks again!
Wow ! Sorry this problem is giving you such a rough time ! Just take it one step at a time and try not to get too dizzy in an inverted astronaut position under the dash . Never my favorite place to be but ya gotta do what ya gotta do ! Sorry if the little lady was disappointed , but we got to get the jeep running to make it up to her ! Taking voltage readings is fine , and may prove worthy if need be , i feel as long as voltage is read at all where it should be , when it should be , that is the key . Understanding that you have been working feverishly at this , I'll try to summarize .
if by jumping the two large studs on starter solenoid cranks starter , then try , with wire removed from S terminal , jumper from S terminal to battery + stud ( no jumper across two large studs )
with ignition on to see if starter cranks . Surely , engine will start as well . This will test if solenoid is working . With voltmeter connected to the wire that goes to S terminal and ground , crank ignition key to START and observe reading . A reading indicates ignition switch working .
I would imagine you have either removed or back probed all wiring to ignition by your post.
this is good too as its good to verify all circuits working to eliminate any other possible problems .
Try the tests I just recommended for simplicity , that will keep it simple so as not to drive you up a wall . You can do that with the jeep , but we need it running first . Love driving them , hate pushing them ! LOL . Admittedly , it's not typical ignition switches go on the blink , but once in a while , they burn a contact or the sliding mechanism gets sloppy and/or breaks .
Just a little testing of your patience changing them in the so convenient place their installed .
Before we send you to the parts store , we do want to be sure what is broke . I'm a perfectionist when I try to diagnose as I want to know what is wrong and why it happened . I've gone as far to remove my whole dash to find a short once . Glad I did , found three . I'm not thinking the worst for. Your CJ7 , but I'm sure you want it fixed right and fing the cause . Hope all else is good and we'll attribute this to wear and tear . Taking voltage readings would prove invaluable should diagnostic involvement get in depth. I'm thinking its a simple thing , worn solenoid or worn ignition switch . Take your time , you'll get to the root . Feel free to post anything you need.

P.S. - silly me , RE - read your post , I thought I got it right the first time , you already did verify that the wire to S terminal from ignition switch is hot in CRANK but not in RUN as it should be. Ok , we better wait for you report when you can .

Glad Greg described how to jump the solenoid, just want to add that when you jump it, their will be sparks. The first time I jumped one the sparks scared the crap out of me, not big sparks but I thought I was going to fry my electrical system. So don't let the sparks scare you.. lol.
Thank you 69jeepcj for making that point I failed to make , yes , I was supposed to advise of these consequences and prepare him for that . My apologies for my neglect and thank you for looking out for him and I like the big brother you are . Thank you brother !
Oops ! I did it again ! One more time and I'll be asked to clean out my locker .
i did not ask , but there are a couple of checks to add to the list of no start items .
if your jeep is auto trans , there will be a neutral safety switch which is at the bottom of the steering column as all cj7's with auto I know of have steering column mounted gear selector .
if if your jeep has manual , there will be a clutch start switch . Both would need to be checked ( depending upon application ) as they will interrupt the current to the solenoid starting circuit. You can rig up a jumper(s) to bypass for diagnostic purposes . Please include these items in your checklist.

Evening gents! Figured it out. The linkage rod fell out. It's completely gone. So a buddy of mine just wired up a starter button from the ignition switch and the battery, so it runs beautifully now. I really appreciate all the help from everyone, and I'm sure I'll be posting on here again! Have a great weekend!